Bloody Love - 8

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March 15, 2013 6:30 Am

The next day was school for Minx, Thank God it was Friday also. She told herself that she would try to make up her missed assignments and still do the days assignments at the same time. She was lucky that she wrote fast enough to be able to finish every assignment. She awoke at 6:30 Am in the guest room that was beside chases' room. She sat up rubbing her eyes filling the room was a soft groan as she stretched her arms. She looked around for her book bag that had all of her favorite band names on there and grabbed her shower cap, the skinny jeans and the sweater that she was going to wear to school. Sometime in the last two days, The two of them, Minx and Chase, went back to Minx's house to get everything she would need for the time being. She hopped out of the bed and into the bathroom with her clothes and shower cap and closed the door locking it afterwards.

Chase walked into the room sleepily looking around for Minx. "Hey, Minx?" He said. "In the bathroom..." She told him turning on the shower. "Okay, Well, I'm going to get ready also.." He said walking out of the room closing the room door gently behind himself. Stepping into the shower, Minx pulled her shower cap around her head and started washing herself with the Dove scented and shaped soap trying to wake herself up fully.

Minx stepped out of the shower 15 minutes later starting to dry herself off with her towel then dressed herself in her undergarments, Over sized sweater, and black ripped skinny jeans. She took the shower cap off and put grease on her scalp along with oil then started to comb out the naps in her hair. "Hey Minnnxxx...." Chase said from outside the bathroom door. "Yeah?" She asked. "Hey, you want to walk to school , or want me to take you?" He asked her curiously. "Hm... i want to take my skateboard.... mind skateboarding?" She asked unlocking the door as she combed her hair.

"No, Not really, i don't mind." He responded opening the door looking down at her. "Hey, Don't look down at me like that, it makes me feel bad for being short." She said turning her body towards the mirror. "Heheh, Sorry Minx." Chase said looking into the mirror watching the black pupils of his Shining Crystal Blue eyes enlarge themselves then go back to normal. He didn't mind it at the moment. He then looked at his hair which was styled in the most complicated way of complicated ways. It was kind of hard to explain. It was the kind of hair style rocky Dillon or Tyler Oakley has, That kind.

He fixed it with his comb then looked at Minx who was stretching once again after she had combed out her hair. "Ready to go? i think we have to be there by.... 7:35 Am and it's 6:57 Am and it takes about 10 minutes to get there more or less by skateboards." He explained to her. Minx stopped stretching after a moment and looked up at him. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm Ready." She told him going back into the room putting her black vans on along with her 'The Outcast.' Beanie. Chase followed her looking up at her beanie then down at her.

"Don't Judge my lifestyle of my clothes and Jewelry." She said tying her second shoe. Chase chuckled putting two hands up letting her know that he surrendered. "Okay, Okay, I won't." "Good." She said stand up grabbing her skateboard. "Ready, Ready." She told him. "Alright.." He said going downstairs to the front door Minx following. "Hey, what days do you have work on anyways?" She asked him. "Friday, Saturday, and Sunday." He told her simply. "Ah... that explains some things." "Like what?" He asked. "Like, why you're always tired and asleep on the week days." She told him opening the front door watching him grab his skateboard. "Ah... you're right right about that...." He said smiling. "Let's go.." She said. "Right after you..."

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