Not his day

30 0 2

Stephen's pov

Today has been horrible no scratch that disaster of a day,first i woke up really late and that led to Simon to yell at me,second i split hot coffee on me causing burns to appear on my legs,third David embarrassed me in front of everyone,fourth i fell hurting my knee again so that was a real treat and now a guy came bounding into BGT threatening to shoot people if he didn't get what he wanted aka money and of course i was a hostage on the stage with three other people and thank god Ant and Dec weren't one of the three.

The guy in the mask let the audience go leaving me,the three crew members and the judges who looked worried and scared,Amanda kept looking at me and i can't really blame her i did have a bloody face because of the mask guy beating my face in which may i add hurt a lot but thankfully Simon had gotten his attention or i'd be out on the stage.

"I want the money and i know you all have it or i'm going to start shooting one of these people and maybe i'm going to start with the twig"The man said pointing the gun in my direction wait!
did he call me a twig i know that i am skinny but really a twig.

I looked over to see the judges and for the first time Simon actually looks scared and is showing it "Look we can just forget everything that has happened today and no one has to get hurt please"Simon begged,but the man laughed "No i want the money i already told you what is going to happen if i don't get it"The man snarled at Simon.

I look over at the other three who were looking at Simon with pleading eyes and i can't help but agree with them,i can tell the man was not joking when he said he was going to start killing us and start with me.

I really hope Ant and Dec are out of the building i can't lose them.They are all i have and i'm pretty sure after today if i live through today both of them will never leave me alone and i'm not kidding after i fell on stage because of David and i hurt my knee they coddled me.Now don't get me wrong i liked that they cared,it felt nice being cared for but it got a little too much when they started to sleep in the same bed as me as their way of (Protecting)me from what i don't know but this will just make them coddle me way too much and never let me out of their sight.

I watched as Simon tried to reason with the shooter but he was getting really mad,the girls were crying and Alesha was holding onto David crying and David was looking at me he also had tears in his eyes but weren't shed he genuinely looked scared he didn't really know why but that didn't really mater at this point their was a gun to my head which was now moving to my lower body.

"I want the money or i SWEAR i will pull it and make him SUFFER"The shooter yelled pointing the gun at my abdomen,that's a great area to be shot.I heard Simon say something but i stopped listening when i felt a shooting hot pain in my abdomen,i didn't feel it at first because of shock right that is what it is when people feel something really painful but they block it out i think but i'm not sure.I heard people screaming but that didn't matter.

I put my hands on the wound to try to stop the bleeding but there was way too much blood and i started to feel the pain"PLEASE STOP"Amanda yelled,i turned to look at where the yelling was coming from but everything was fuzzy.I looked down at my hands they were coated in blood my blood.

"Please i'll give you the money but let a medic in and you will get your money"Simon pleaded with the man "Fine"The shooter finally agreed,that was the last thing i heard before i passed out most likely from blood loss.

3rd pov

Simon agreed to give the shooter the money only if they let a medic in to help Stephen who was currently bleeding out on the stage.The medic ran up to Stephen not minding the gun that still was out and started to work on Stephen.The judges watched in horror as their friend yes friend bled out by the bullet hole and by the blood that was coming from his mouth.

"I want my money now"The shooter yelled not seeing the security guard coming up behind him till the shooter was tacked.The guard had gotten the upper hand and started to punch the shooter till he was out cold and slapping hand cuffs on him.

"Call an ambulance now and tell them to call ahead for an OR does anyone know his blood type"The medic yelled,Alesha looked at the three judges "Anyone"they shook their head no"Ant and Dec they must know"David said pulling out his phone but Simon stopped him"No we don't need to worry them it's B+"Simon said to the medic who nodded putting pressure on Stephen's wound.The judges looked at Simon confused on how he knew that but Simon waved them off"It's my job"Was his reply they didn't look convinced but let it slide because they were more worried about their friend who was currently dying.

The Medics from the ambulance came and took Stephen's information and took him,he wasn't looking too good when they whisked him away.  

After the police left with their information and the shooter,David broke the silence"So who's telling Ant and Dec"that will be a great conversation if they don't already know.

Stephen's pov

I must not be dead because i feel a lot of pain in my abdomen and the stupid beeping sound of the monitor.I opened my eyes to see my worst nightmares sitting at the end of bed looking at the TV.

I moved a bit making the heads of my nightmares whip their heads to me"Stevie your awake"Ant said"Yeah Stephen and guess what your staying with us for a while"Dec said happily. Now i wish I had died.

Idea by ARPlumber01

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