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David has been getting away with a lot of things and Stephen did not like that and he certainly didn't like that Simon let him get away with the stuff he does,Well Simon does tell him to knock it off but that's it.

So Stephen was getting him back for the stuff he did to him like throwing his one shoe in the crowd(He never got that back)then there was the time he kept pushing Stephen in the face,locking Ant and Dec in a room and then the whole knife stuff and he was done it was time for David to get a taste of his own medicine.

The problem was he didn't know what to do and was not asking anyone for help being the stubborn person he was so here he was in his office thinking of ways to get David back.He could fill David's changing room with packing peanuts sense he still had a whole bunch of them but how would he get them their without being noticed so that idea is out the window.

He could lock him in a dark room but he might throw a big fit but it wasn't a bad idea.Stephen sat in his chair holding a pen when he remember how jealous David is when someone flirts with Simon well in David's words 'His Simon'i mean it's not really a prank to get revenge but it works David would be upset  so that's good.

Now the question is who would be flirting with Mr.Simon Cowell,He could get a crew member to do it but they might be too scared to,maybe Ant or Dec they are not scared of Simon plus they had been wanting to get back at David for the closet thing so it works out just gotta tell them what is happening and see if they agree.

"Have you seen Ant and Dec"Stephen asked one of the crew members"Yeah they are in their dressing room"he said and Stephen said his thanks.He found their room and knocked "Boys you in their"Stephen called,he heard a yes and come in"What can we do do for yah Stevie"Ant asked grinning like a child"Well  i was wondering if you wanted to get back at David"that got their attention"How"Dec asked he had been wanting to get him back for a while now

"Well you know how jealous David get's when someone flirts with Simon right"Stephen asked and they nodded"Well i couldn't figure who would flirt with Simon so i wondering if one of you wanted to"He asked the boys hoping it would be a yes from one of them."I'll do it"Ant said and Dec turned to him "You sure"He asked his friend"Yeah this should be good thanks Stevie David is getting what he deserves"Great all we need is to get a plan ready and make sure they are in the same room.

"Okay let's do this"Stephen said.They spent a good twenty or so minutes planing and they were ready,Simon was in the break room and so was David so the plan was already working.Stephen turned to Ant"Okay you sure yo want to do this"he asked one more time"Yeah let's hope Simon don't fire me"Ant said,Stephen put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him much like Dec did "It's okay we all get fired together kay"Stephen said and Dec nodded"Yeah we can all just run our own show let's do this"Dec said.

They watched Ant walk up to Simon and saw David look up from his phone,So step something was taking place they got David's attention."Do you think this is going to work"Dec asked Stephen.He didn't really know but David needed to be taught a lesson"Let's hope it does"He told his smaller friend and turned his attention back to his friend.

Ant pov

So i went up to Simon who was scrolling on his phone but looked up when i stood in front of him"Hey Simon"i said to the man"Hello Ant what can i do for you"Simon said to me"Well what can i do for you"I said in a seductive tone,god this is embarrassing but it was working i saw David frown.

"Ugh are you okay where is Dec"Simon said"Don't know but you look great today"i said watching the man's face become red a little.David stood up and walked over here the fun comes"T-thanks i guess"Simon chocked out a little unconformable and Ant couldn't blame him"That's good so what are you doing later"I asked and when Simon went to reply David made his presence known.

"What is going on here"He said with jealousy "Well i was asking what Simone was doing later not that it concerns you"It was working "It does when when where is Dec shouldn't you be with him"David said clearly upset with Ant talking to Simon"He's busy so go away i'm talking here"i told and turned back to Simon who watched the whole encounter"So"i asked and replied with "No i'm not what do you have in mind"it was as if he knew this was some kind of prank i mean he probably did Simon knew everything.

"Well i don't know wanna get a drink later"i asked and saw David's jaw drop from the corner of my eye"Sure what time after work"Simon said"That works"David put his hands up here comes the storm .

"NO NO NO Simon is mine you have Dec go away hobbit"Wow i'm not even that short"Why David"i asked grinning "Because he is mine"David said grabbing Simon by his arm and pulling him into him.

"Well let's see what Simon wants"i smirked at him and looked at Simon who had his eyes close"You both have problems"He said pulling himself away from David who pouted at Simon.

I looked at David and smiled"Payback is a bitch"i said to him and he looked confused"Wha"-Boys" i cut him off and turned to Stephen and Dec who were laughing their ass off"What is going on"David asked"Payback for what you did to us"Stephen said clenching his side from laughing to much.

"Wow that's cold"David said and i turned to him"That's cold you locked me and Dec in a closet and i broke my foot not to mention Stephen had to get his hand stitched"i told him.

After a minute he turned to Simone"Were you in on this"Simon looked at David"No i but i figured it out and saw those two watching"Simon said and then David turned back to the three of us and did something i thought he never would do"I am sorry"He said.

"Thank you"Said Dec me and Stephen nodded clearly shocked but David wasn't finished talking"I will stop being rude and let's be clear Simon is mine"He said pulling Simon to him but the older man smacked him trying to get away.

"Well boys let's do this again sometime"Stephen said smiling"Yeah how about we just lock him in a dark room when he is bad"Dec said and we all laughed.

"Right i'm hungry lets get some fo-"Stephen was cut short tripping over his own feet and smacking his head against a table and we all froze

"I didn't do it"David yelled 

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