"I don't like it." Bose argued.

"You're being a baby." Chapa said softly. Hopefully, she didn't come out as rude as she thinks she did.

"But I want you guys. Worst December ever." Bose slouched on the chair he was sitting on.

Chapa sighed. "Don't be like that. It's just the weekend; you'll make it 'till then. And when you get back, we could have a sleepover. So that your December turns out not as bad as you think." She suggests.

"I would love that, thank you." Bose responded in a more calm and settled voice than before. "I've just arrived at the resort, I'll call you when I settle, okay sparky?"

"Sure." Chapa slightly smiled.


"Yes Bose."

"Will you pick up my call?" He asked, feeling like a little baby while fiddling with his fingers.

"When have I never?" Chapa said so confidently but quietly. Not intending on neither Miles nor Mika to hear. It made Bose smile over the phone. "Bye."

"Say 'hi' to Miles and Mika for me." The call ended.

"You're really nice to Bose." Miles gave another flyer. "How come?"

Chapa furrowed her eyebrows. "No I'm not."

Mika scoffed. "You actually are," she gave out a flyer. "You see, if Miles called you, you'd tell him to grow up, you'd cut the line then block his number."

"I would not."

"You did that three months ago. And all I asked was if Mika was with you!"

Chapa smiled. "Oh I did, didn't I? Did I unblock you though?"

"No you didn't!"

Chapa chuckled. "Oh yeah."

"See? Mean to others. Nice to Bose."

Chapa felt attacked and some what guilty. "You don't understand. Bose is the only pure, innocent thing in this dirt-hole of a world and I'm just trying to keep him safe."

"Half way around the world?" Mika raised a brow.

"Jokes on you, Mexico is closer than that." Chapa said.

Mika groaned.

"Ha!" Miles chuckled. Mika shot him a look and he immediately stopped laughing.

"Why is Bose the topic anyway?" Chapa asked.

"Want as to talk about Jack?" Mika wiggled her eyebrows and smirked.

"Bose it is."

Three Days Later

"I can't believe you were actually serious." Bose admitted, carrying his sleeping bag to the Macklin's living room.

Chapa shrugged. "Me too."

"Where's Sage?" Bose had more of a playful grin.

Chapa's face turned. "Somewhere where she can't ruin my plans."

"You mean the sleepover?"

"Sure." She flashed a smile.

"In-coming!" Mika yelled as she threw her sleeping bag to her sleeping spot.

Miles teleported in the middle of the room and Mika's sleeping bag hit him in the face. "Ow!" He fell.

"Woops." Mika winced. "SoReYy."

"That's my line." Chapa said defensively.

Bose placed a hand on her shoulder. "She'd never say it the way you do." He assured her.

"You're right." She flashed a smile and shrugged.

Angela came in the room. "Okay so I'm going to bed now; Herm's already fast asleep. I don't wanna hear any peep out of you kids passed midnight, you got that?"

"Midnight?" Mika whined.

"Not any more. Not a peep passed 10p.m." Angela said.

Chapa leaned over to Mika's shoulder. "Way to go Miks." Miles did the same. "Yeah, Mika, thanks alot."

"Good night."

"Night mom." "Good night Mrs. M."

Angela walked away.

The kids sat down on there sleeping bags. Mika. Then Chapa. Then Miles. Then Bose. They were arranged in a cross matter. So twins opposite each other and the non twins opposite each other as well.

"Okay, how many hours until 10.p.m?" Mika asked, unable to find her phone.

Bose started counting using his fingers.

Chapa tried to help Bose. "How many hours are in a day?"

"12." Bose answered.

"No," said Chapa.

"I got it! 5 hours until 10.p.m!" Bose finally figured it out.

"We can make the best out of 5 hours right?" Mika asked.

Miles agreed, "Totally."

They all got up. "I'm thinking, we can start with '7 Minites In Heaven'. Is that alright?" Mika suggested.

The rest agreed. They did 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' to determine the two going in the room. The first two ended up being Chapa and Miles.

"Let me get this straight," Bose started and everyone groaned. "Chapa and Miles will be locked in a dark room. For 7 minutes. Alone?"

"For the last time, Bose, yes!" Chapa pierced her lips.

"Okay, okay, okay, fine. Where?"

"In..." Mika took them all the way to bathroom. "Here. Time starts now." She closed the door.

"I don't like this game." Bose pouted.

Mika raised an eyebrow. "Really? How come?"

"Who knows what they're gonna be doing in there." His eyebrows furrowed.

Down Goes Santa: The Sequel (!!DISCONTINUED!!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora