For some unknown reason, the first emperor agreed to their request the first time. Daxia tasted the sweetness, and robbed it again in the second year. Dachen paid again, and then there was the third time, and the fourth time... Going back and forth, Daxia is like a cat, using the money given by Dachen to develop itself. When Dachen reacts, Daxia is no longer the small country that can be manipulated arbitrarily.

There are Gu family members in the northwest, especially after Gu Zheng took control of the Gu family army, Daxia became more and more unable to please in the northwest, and even lost many people to enter. At this time, the northeast, which is easier to conquer than the northwest, became a hot spot. General He suffered a blow.

"For a long time, when Daxia asks for it, our country will give it to him, cut his own flesh and feed it to the wolves. I don't know what the late emperor thought, but today I'm talking about it. From today on, if we want to fight, we will fight. I, Never discuss peace!"

Jiang Mo's dark eyes swept down, and no one dared to refute, "Since He Yong can't hold it, then I will replace it with someone else, pass on the order, make Deng Han a brave general, lead the army in the northeast, set off immediately, and regain the territory "

As for He Yong, tell him to come back to me!"

The news that the emperor was going to send troops to the Northeast spread quickly in the capital, and people were discussing the news all over the street.

Jiang Mo changed into casual clothes and left the palace with Gu Zheng.

This era is more tolerant than the ancient times in the traditional sense. Speech is relatively free. What happens in the court can be discussed briefly. Although my brother cannot be an official, he is not confined to the backyard. The brothers of the common people can walk freely on the street.

Gu Zheng led Jiang Mo to the famous teahouse "Yipinxiang" in the capital. The owner of "Yipinxiang" is from Jiangsu Province. Come here to pack a copy and bring it to Jiang Mo.

The two climbed up the steps and arrived at the second floor of the teahouse. Gu Zheng had already fixed the location, and the waiter in the shop took the two to the corresponding location. Gu Zheng ordered Jiang Mo's favorite pastry with ease.

The waiter in the shop didn't know Gu Zheng, but the shopkeeper knew the young man who often came to buy refreshments. The waiter put Gu Zheng's ordered refreshments on the table one by one, and finally took out a plate of pale golden round pastries.

"This is a new refreshment in the building. The shopkeeper specially gave it to the two of you to try. Thank you for visiting our shop frequently."

Knowing that the customers who choose the second floor do not like to be disturbed, the waiter in the shop left the door after placing the tea set and refreshments , and carefully close the compartment door.

"Yipinxiang" is indeed a popular tea house in the capital. There is an endless stream of customers. There are merchants and ordinary people, as well as dignitaries like Gu Zheng. Those who are rich and don't like noisy people will choose the private room on the second floor. It is also an anecdote to invite two or three friends to drink tea together.

Opening the large window on the left side of the private room, one can see the excitement on the first floor at a glance. Gu Zheng deftly made a pot of tea and filled Jiang Mo's cup, "The tea here tastes good."

In the small white porcelain cup, the tea water is green and clear, with a clear fragrance, fresh and refreshing.

Jiang Mo accepted Gu Zheng's service calmly, took a sip with a smile, and immediately felt the fragrance on his lips and teeth, and praised: "Fresh and pleasant, good tea."

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