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okay guys, another thing about vampires is it's not really a choice if you become one. if you die with vampire blood in your system you automatically wake up as a vampire. there's no need to feed on human blood to complete the transition. anyways happy reading LMAO

As I'm running to the school to search for Stiles, hoping that maybe he just got anxious and needed a minute alone, a pair of hands grab me.

The next thing I know, I'm being carried through the woods by something or someone who can run faster than I've ever seen.

No matter how much I squirm and twist the person doesn't let go. Then, suddenly, I catch the familiar scent of James Fairmont.

Just as I'm about to try and see his face, he drops me onto the cold ground of a building I've never seen before. When I look around, I notice we're in a church. One that hasn't been used for what looks like decades.

"What do you want?" I ask as I rise to my feet, backing away slightly.

"I want you, Alara." He repeats the words that he doesn't even know I've already heard. I shake my head, backing away some more.

"I don't know what that means." I respond, hitting a pew behind me, causing me to halt.

"I mean I want you to realize who you really are. I want you to be like me. I want us to be together. Are you getting it now?" He explains.

I scoff before saying, "You're insane."

I try to walk past him, but he pushes me onto the ground by my shoulder. I land with a loud thump that echos throughout the cold church.

"God, how dense are you? You're not leaving me, Alara. Ever. We're going to be together for...eternity." He motions dramatically with his hands as he speaks, and I soon realize what he means.

"You want to turn me into a vampire." I say as a statement rather than a question. He nods his head mischievously before taking a step closer.

I scoot back using my hands and legs, not knowing what else to do. A fight between him and I isn't fair. He always has the upper hand.

"Please...don't do this. I don't want this." I plead as he continues to saunter towards me. I once again hit a pew, left with nowhere to go.

"Oh, but you do. You just don't know it yet. Once you transition, you'll realize it's the best thing that could've happened to you. That I'm the best thing that could've happened." His words are foreign to me as I try to think of a way out of this.

Every plan I can conjure up ends with me dying.

I feel the tears brimming in my eyes as he finally reaches me and kneels down, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I quickly swat it away, earning an empty laugh from him.

"You're fiery, Alara. It's what I like about you." His face then transforms into a monster's, and fangs sharper than mine grow from his gums.

"Please...please don't do this." My voice comes out weak and strained as I speak through my tears.

He smiles down at me before biting into his own wrist. I try to get up and run, but he grabs my wrist, pulling me back and throwing me onto the ground.

I stand up again, refusing to go down without a fight. He shakes his head before running towards me and pinning me against the wall by my throat, restricting my breathing.

"You know, Alara, when I met you...I just wanted to kill you. Make a meal out of you. But then, I realized you could be so much more than that. You could be something other than Scott McCall's younger sister. Something other than a shadow. You could just be something." He explains as he grips my throat tighter. "If you look at it my way...I'm helping you. I'm giving you purpose."

Cry Me A River | Book Two/Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now