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I peek around the corner and watch as Jackson makes his way to the front of the line of people who're waiting to get their tickets for the rave.

I throw my head back in annoyance and mentally curse the whole situation before stepping from around the corner and walking up to Matt who's also waiting in line. I look over to see Scott making his way over as well.

"Matt." I whisper, getting his attention.

"What?" He whispers back. Scott's now standing at my side.

"How much are tickets?" I ask.

"Seventy-five." He answers. My jaw drops as I look to Scott, dumbfounded. I clench my fists, already embarrassed of my next decision.

"Hey, can I-we borrow some money?" I question. He reaches into his pocket for his wallet, bringing a smile to my face.

"Yeah, how much?" He asks as he pulls it out.

"Uh...I don't know..." I trail off as I look to Scott and contemplate if this is even worth the humiliation. "Like, one-fifty?" I raise my voice a few octaves as I nervously tell him my amount.

He shakes his head and puts his wallet away, turning around and leaving me staring at his back.

I look to Scott before sighing and making my way to the back of the line.

"That was probably the most stupid idea I've ever had in my entire existence." I rant. I step to the side to watch Jackson, and I physically cringe as he purposefully grazes the woman's hand as she hands him his ticket.

"What's he doing?" Scott asks. I shrug my shoulders as the woman tells the security to get her out of there, and the elevator starts to go up.


"What's he doing here?" I ask, disgusted by Isaac's presence.

"I need him." Derek answers as they enter the clinic.

"I don't trust him." I tell Derek, not taking my eyes off of Isaac.

"Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you two either." Isaac responds, walking ahead of Scott and me.

"You know what? And Derek really doesn't care." Derek says, referring to himself in the third person. "Now, where's the vet? Is he gonna help us or not?"

"That depends. Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?" Deaton asks from behind the counter.

"Kill him."

"Save him."

"Save him." Derek, Scott, and I speak at the same time. I turn to Derek with a glare on my face. "Save him." I repeat.

"Save him." Scott gives our final answer to Deaton.

He nods his head before leading us to the back of the clinic.

I watch as he sets a box of jars filled with different herbs on the table. Isaac reaches for them, and Derek grabs his wrist forcefully, stopping him.

"Watch what you touch." Derek tells him, releasing his wrist.

Deaton picks up a jar, examining it carefully.

I turn my head slowly and watch as Isaac leans down on the table, staring at Deaton intimidatingly.

"So, what are you? Some kind of witch?" Isaac asks Deaton. He looks at Isaac, his face stern.

"No, dipshit, he's a veterinarian." I answer for Deaton, simply wanting to insult Isaac's intelligence. Isaac looks up at me, a scowl on his face, before turning back to Deaton.

Cry Me A River | Book Two/Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now