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Later that night, I find myself lurking around a club that I'm definitely too young for. Just when I thought I was going to get some sleep, Scott dragged me out here.

"Oh my-" I gasp, cutting myself off when I see that it's only Stiles who's scared me.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." He rambles after Scott turns around, also frightened. "Did either of you see where he went?"

"We lost him." I answer when Scott doesn't.

"What?" He asks, snapping his head over to us. "Neither of you could catch his scent?"

"I don't think he has one." Scott replies, still spying on the line to get into the club.

"All right, any clue where he's going?" Stiles questions, rocking from foot to foot, probably having had one too many Adderall.

"To kill someone." I answer with fake cheerfulness.

"Ah." He breathes out, feigning relief. "That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good, makes perfect sense now." He sarcastically says. When Scott and I turn to face him, our expressions unamused, he drops his smile. "What? Guys, come on. I'm a hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense."

"Just help us find it." Scott ignores his tangent, sounding annoyed.

"Not 'it'. Jackson." I correct him.

"Yeah, I know. I-I know." Scott stutters, becoming flustered.

"All right, but does he know that?" Stiles asks. When he receives no answer, he continues. "Did anybody else see him back at your guys' house?"

"I mean I don't think so. But he already passed Derek's test anyways." Scott answers.

"Yeah, but that's just the thing. How did he pass the test?" Stiles questions, and I know he's close to a realization by the look on his face.

"I don't know." Scott responds truthfully.

"Maybe it's like an either-or thing." When neither Scott nor I show any sign of understanding, Stiles continues. "I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When's the kanima not the kanima?"

"When it's Jackson." I whisper mostly to myself, but Scott and Stiles hear. Stiles nods his head in agreement.

"Uh...guys." I hear from behind us. I turn to see Stiles backing away slowly, looking at something on the roof.

I stand beside him and look as well, only to see a long, scaley tail hanging out of a window.

"See that?" Stiles asks, not taking his eyes away.

"He's inside." I conclude, looking to Scott and then to Stiles.

"What's he gonna do in there?" Stiles questions, sounding genuinely confused.

"I know who he's after." Scott says, realization heavy in his voice.

"What, how?" Stiles asks, looking around. That's when I see him, handing his probably fake I.D to the bouncer. "How? Did you smell something?"

"Armani." Scott answers, staring straight at Danny as he enters the club.

"We gotta get in there." I state, looking around for another entrance. Stiles starts to walk further behind the building, and I follow.

When we reach a backdoor, Stiles starts to pull on the handle, but it doesn't budge.

"Aw, come on." He whispers, still yanking on the knob. "All right, maybe there's, like, a, uh-like, a window we could climb through, or some kind of..." Stiles trails off as I hand him the handle that is now separated from the door. "Or a handle that we could rip off with supernatural strength. How'd I not think of that one?"

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