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hey guys! just a little psa before we start this chapter: a lot of things with the vampires in my story are similar to tvd vampires but not all. i'm not going to lie most of it is for convenience to the plot lol. like they don't have to be invited into houses, they don't burn in the sun, they can compel people but they also have a special ability to seduce people like no other species can. keep that in mind as alara starts to fall for james. a more in depth explanation of the seduction is like they're basically irresistible to whoever they try to seduce. now, it is something they can control, almost like compulsion. KEEP THAT IN MIND. THEY CANNOT UNWILLINGLY SEDUCE PEOPLE LOL. anyways thanks for reading that bc it was rly important. happy reading<3

I'm currently walking down the hallway to the boy's locker room with Scott and Stiles. They caught me up on everything including Allison's hunter grandfather and Lydia being found naked in the woods.

"I'm serious. It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same." Scott says defensively. I look forwards as I walk, thinking back to James Fairmont and all his charm. He sat with me, and I got no homework done. Instead, we talked. For hours. He even asked me to meet him there again after school today.

"Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people? Like me?" Stiles looks over at me as he speaks and I look at him, shrugging my shoulders.

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you." Scott promises as we enter the locker room. All of the boys turn to face me, looking at me like I've crossed some serious boundaries.

"You know, you say that now but then the full moon goes up and out come the fangs and the claws and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? And it's very stressful on me and so yes, I'm still locking you up. Both of you." He points between the two of us. I sigh and lean against the lockers, trying to seem less noticeable.

"Okay, fine. But I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison." He explains, a smile on his face. I roll my eyes before speaking.

"Okay, we're aware of how good things are with Allison." I say sarcastically. Stiles nods his head in agreement and Scott looks down, not knowing what to say.  "Anyways, Stiles, did you get something better than handcuffs this time?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yeah, much better." He answers, dropping his bookbag. He opens his locker, and we all stare in shock as a chain starts to fall out of the top shelf and onto the floor. I watch in horror as it doesn't stop for at least fifteen seconds, piling up at our feet.

I look beside me to see coach walking over, a skeptical look on his face. His eyes find me, and he shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Part of me wants to ask. The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So... I'm gonna walk away. And Alara's coming with me." I give a thumbs up to Stiles and Scott before following Coach to the door to the locker room.

"Would you like to explain what you were doing in the boy's locker room?" He asks as we stop in front of the swinging door.

"Coach, I'm in here like once a week at least. I thought you saw me and just didn't care." I tell him honestly. He sighs and turns to walk away.

"Thank you, Alara, for reminding me why I chose the worst career path in the entire world. Thank you, so much." He says, exaggerating the situation. I look to Scott and Stiles to see them laughing. I show them my middle finger before turning and exiting the room, heading to class.


"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" I ask, sitting behind Scott and Stiles since Stiles beat me to my seat today.

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