Seven ♡

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"Jji is fine with Hobi, stop worrying." Jimin pushed Tae's shirt upward, his tongue dragging across an exposed nipple.

Tae moaned scratching his nails through Jimin's hair as he arched upward with a sigh. Jimin roughed the hard bud against his teeth loving the sounds his boyfriend made. This was what he'd wanted all night, a quiet evening where there were no distractions, no chance that he would have to focus on anyone else.

It had taken another two hours but Jimin and Tae had finally been able to slip away from Jji's apartment with everyone else, leaving only her and Hobi behind. Jimin's punishment hadn't been quick, he knew if he rushed it the mood would be set for the remainder of the evening. But even after that Hobi had seemed reluctant to let everyone depart. He knew that was what was driving Tae's insecurity, but he didn't know how to fix it. He had no clue why Hobi was acting so weird about taking Jji's virginity after weeks of saying she'd choose him.

"We should call Hobi, make sure they're alright." Tae's voice was full of gruffness, deep and distracted even though he'd not dropped the subject of Jjille.

Jimin ignored the request letting his forearm brush against the front of Tae's pants. He was hard, straining against the tight material and he thought about relieving the pressure, but at the last minute didn't.

"What would we say? Hey Hobi, have you fucked her yet?" Jimin faked a laugh and winced knowing it hadn't sounded convincing.

"She seemed nervous, don't you think so?" Tae lifted his head from the bed, eyes opening and Jimin worried their evening was about to be ruined.

That had happened a lot lately, he'd come home expecting a quiet meal, cuddling on the couch, real sex. Instead he found Tae and Jji giggling in the kitchen or curled up on the couch already waiting for him. He thought he could count on two hands how many solo evenings he'd had with his boyfriend since she'd arrived. The worst part is he knew he was about to make a decision that was going to mess up their relationship further.

"If you say another word about anyone else I'm going to tie you up and go take a shower alone." Jimin practically growled the words his palm firmly stroking against Tae's covered cock, a cheap distraction that he shouldn't have employed.

"Please!" A whimper, acquiescence to Jimin's demand, Tae's hips drove upward wanting more friction.

"Who's my sweet boy?" Jimin teased biting the other nipple right after so that Tae's response was a choked sound. He didn't feel the lightness of the words he'd just said, but he tried to focus on moving things forward, sex would clear his head.

"Undress baby while I watch." Jimin flopped onto his back on the bed, his elbows propping him up while he watched Tae grin and crawl off the bed.

He was silent as Tae pulled his shirt over his head, slowly, turning around at the last minute to wink over his shoulder. Jimin was head over heels for this man, wanted nothing else but to be by his side every single day. What he was going to do tomorrow wouldn't change those feelings, even if from an outward perspective it seemed that way.

Tae turned back to face Jimin his chest bare, the lines of his collarbone begging to be kissed, his soft tummy marked with his lips and tongue. Jimin groaned rubbing his hands across the front of his own pants, he'd gotten hard watching the strip tease. Tae's pants lowered, tan thighs coming into view, his erection straining against the fabric of his underwear.

"Stop." Jimin stood from the bed and walked to Tae, then lowered to his knees in front of him, his hands grabbing his hips. Tae looked down a bit startled at the unusual change in position, it was more likely to find Tae on his knees for Jimin.

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