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Tria's hairstyle


He's  a hybrid. How? I don't know... well, I know but I don'know  how he survived that night and why don't I remember him. Or his family. Everyone died in that fire... how did he survive?

My mind was running a hundred miles per hour and I couldn't sleep. Last night after Raven revealed his nature, I passed out. I woke up again before dawn and couldn't go back to sleep. I looked over at Raven who was sleeping peacefully next to me.

Yes, he spent the night in my room and I couldn't have been more happier if only he didn't reveal his nature last night. Now I'm overthinking and my emotions are a rollercoaster.

If he was there and escaped than others might have also escaped and are hiding somewhere in the world. But what if he was never there in the first place. What if his parents hid his true nature and protected him outside the Sanctuary... but that would have been difficult and dangerous considering the nature of hybrids.

The Sanctuary was a place created for people like us and to survive outside of it was near impossible. I sat in bed looking at Raven trying to make sense of what happened.

"You're going to bore a hole in my head if you keep looking at me like that." Raven said opening his eyes to look at me

I looked away from him with a frown," I'm sorry... I was thinking." I whispered

"I'll explain everything... I promise." He said getting out of bed, " I'll go make breakfast after freshening up." He said giving me a smile


After breakfast, Raven sat me down in his study and started explaining everything.

Apparently, he also grew up in the Sanctuary but because of his nature as a water fae, they had to live near water. So growing up he never interacted much with the people at the Sanctuary and mostly kept to himself. Two days leading up to the incident the family had business to do outside of the Sanctuary by the request of my father. On the day they were scheduled to return, my father asked them and those who left before the fight broke out to flee and never return. His father had a really good relationship with mine so, when he heard that his friend was in danger he rushed to save him but he was too late. When the family arrived, the Sanctuary was already burned half to the ground and most of the members where already dead. They looked for my parents and when they found my dad he was at the brick of death, before he died he told Raven's father to look for his lost brothers and sisters and keep them safe. My father died while holding my moms already dead body tightly in his arms, his last words were," Please find my daughter... and keep her safe"

When Raven finished telling me this, I was heartbroken. My parents and many others died protecting our home but I fled... I ran away like a coward. I had the power to stop it all but I couldn't... instead I lost control and destroyed what I wanted protect the most.

"Did you find all the members?" I asked

"Most of them. Some were hunted down and killed, I'm still looking for them though."

"So what are we gonna do know?"

"We?" He asked seeming shocked

"Yes. You don't expect me to let you deal with all these alone, right?"

"Actually... I don't"  He replied

"Good" I said

He continued to explain that more than half of the members in this pack are hybrids and that's the reason why the pack is so strong. Moreover, none of the other packs know that his pack is a hybrid pack and if they did they never dared to mess with him... which was great.

After a whole while of talking, I was caught up on what happened after I disappeared and the hybrid world. I was so happy that many of the hybrids in our generation are still alive and already found their mates

Later that night Raven held a welcome banquet and all the pack members were present. I was so happy to see the many faces that I thought I would never see again and everybody seemed very happy and delighted to see me again

I was happy

I was finally home

With all my people

This time if anything were to happen again... death would be the only thing that's going to take me away.



I heavily apologize for being inactive for basically more than a year... reason being, I was very busy with my last year of high school and life was very hectic. I promise that this year I will be more active and interactive with you guys. Plus I had a terrible writers block last year but I'm more motivated now and I know how the plot is going to be like.

FROM NOW ON I'LL BE UPDATING EVERY WEEK THURSDAY (the only day of the week were I have a break for 2 hours before my next lecture)

Don't lose hope in me yet  : ] 

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