Extra: The World That Lost Color

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His hand covered his mouth, hiding his grave expression before turning on the phone screen again.

**I'm sorry, sir. Young master Lai, unfortunately, met with a car accident in a remote town he was hiding in.

Due to the fact that it was too remote, the driver made a hit and run, leaving no one to discover his situation until yesterday. His corpse was identified and reports were sent to the Lai family already. I have found that they are in possession of a letter addressing to you from young master Lai.**

Ren Jian closed his eyes. He really wished those first letters he read would not be followed by those words, but alas, what he dreaded came true. The eyes that were full of mourning, grief, and pain were washed away and replaced by a dull and emotionless pair of eyes.

"So tiring..."

The room fell into complete silence


"Jian-ge! Where are you?!"

Sun Xia was full of panic when the groom was nowhere to be present at the reception. Everything should have been perfect on this day. Today was supposed to be when her life reached its peak. She tried to call him multiple times but no one answered.

What she denied in her heart finally came out, Ren Jian was never interested in her. It was her delusion all along and she pulled him into this shackle called responsibility. But it was already the last step, she was unwilling to give up.

"Mother! Mother! Do you know where is Jian-ge?!?" She grabbed mother Ren who entered the room at that moment.

Mother Ren looked at her for a moment and shook her head.

"The wedding and this marriage... are canceled."


That morning, Ren Jian drove to the Lai residence, not too fast but also not too slow. He just drove with a blank face until he reached the gate.

As if they already expected his arrival, the gate automatically opened for Ren Jian to come in. But no one of the Lai family came out to welcome him, the atmosphere in the lively Lai residence changed into a heavy and dreading one.

The head butler stood in front of the car door, signaling Ren Jian to roll down his window. In his hand was a white envelope.

"Is that from Yongliang?" Ren Jian did not look at the resentful eyes of the butler but focused on that white color.

"Young master Ren, I hope that this will be the last time you stepped into the Lai land." The butler carefully gave the letter to Ren Jian and turned away immediately. It was a clear sign to drive him away.

Ren Jian had no reaction but looked at the white envelope in his hand. He carefully tucked it in his suit and drove out.

There was no destination, he just let his mind carry him to wherever it was. Only after a while did he realize that he was driving to the beautiful beach where Lai Yongliang said goodbye to him before going abroad.

He parked his car and walked onto the sand, letting the salty cold air brush his skin and hair. Then he took out the envelope and opened it.

His eyes traced the lines of text written on it one by one. His eyes did not stop moving. However, his hands started to tremble but he did not dare to grip the letter too hard. The blank face shattered and incredible grief and love appeared.

His knees became weak and instantly kneeled on the sand. He clutched the letter into his chest, letting his drops of tears fall onto the sand.

"I'm sorry, Yongliang, I'm sorry... I love you..."

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