Walmart Squirtle

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Karen walked into Walmart disgraced, wearing her white skinny jeans, you can smell the crustiness from the brown stained on her wrinkly deceased ass that is as old as Joe Biden. Her flora blouse illuminates her voluptuous saggy boulders, as she sways to and fro waddling, grimmancing at the disgustingly high prices and horrifying design of the Walmart. As she goes to buy her English Breakfast tea, she screams at the young cashier for charging an extra dollar, she shouts through her false teeth "I was told this tea was $5! How dare you charge me $6! Where's your manager!"

All the sudden Sharen strides gracefully in her old age, towards the ruckus, "I am the manager!" Sharon yells with erotic intention in her voice.
Karen turns around and looks at Sharen, star struck. Karen feels a way she hasn't felt in millennias, she feels the Sahara desert that her meows meows is, flush like the river Nile. She gasps out, and shakes her melons. Sharon stares at her deeply, lust blooming in her eyes. Sharon whispers into Karen's ear "you've been a naughty corpse."
The young cashier cries and runs out of Walmart screaming "I am done with this job! I am jumping off the nearest building!"
Sharen ignores such childish behaviour and Karen simply falls back onto the conveyer belt and moans "oh please! Oh please! Manager!! Manage me!!!"

Sharen walks closer, grabbing Karen's oesophagus with her wrinkly old hands and her wedding ring still on. She strips the annoying customer's grotty pants off and throws them onto a pile of apples for sale. She then lowers her head and moves her tongue around the hairy jungle between Karen's legs. "OH MY GOLLY GOLLY GOSH!!!" Karen whimpers out through huffs and puffs, "oh goodness gracious, I am sorry my sky daddy, lesbian sex is too good!!!"
Karen screamed while climaxing her dusty whiteness "I'm sorry for yelling at the teenager, what I'm doing is wrong! And I deserved to be punished!"
Sharen smirked between Karen's thighs while they jiggled and wrinkled, "I am punishing you~"
Sharen picks up the pace and adds a long claw-like finger, into the forbidden cave of wonders. Karen wails and flails around on the conveyer belt, kicking the chocolate bars and covering them in her forbidden dust. "OH SHAREN!! YOU'VE MADE ME YOUNG AGAIN!!!" Karen screeches as a waterfall of lushious cum, squirts out from her thighs and sprays the Walmart and the people in it down like an unwanted sprinkler.

Sharen gets up and looks into Karen's eyes full of wonder. Karen is now a beautiful young woman. Karen moans out to Sharen lovingly "you broke the spell your mother put on me many many many years ago, during the prehistoric era, when I was young girl and graffitied her cave with my cum!"
Sharen's eyes widened in shock while she gasped, her 10ml fake eyelashes flying off, as well as her crusty Walmart uniform.

Then for eternity Karen and Sharen had the best lesbian sex, that even God herself approved of.

The End.

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