"Eddie, we gotta go!" Venom cries, Eddie freezing with wide eyes as he looks at me and Venom.

"Shit, okay. V get her to the car while I grab the bags," Eddie cries in panic.

"Isn't it too soon?!" I cry in a panic, whimpering when Venom pops out and looks at me.

"Relax, sometimes they come early," Venom explains. "They've developed fast so they'll be fine."

"Okay," I breathe, getting up and making my way to the car.

Eddie comes out a few minutes later and drives us to the hospital. With Venom's help I'm able to actually feel relaxed and not stressed about everything. The birth goes smoothly and Venom helps with most of the pain, our baby healthy when she's born. I smile at how excited Eddie is as he holds our daughter. When the nurses and doctor leave Venom pops out, he and Eddie cooing over our little girl.

"Don't hog her," I tease them, smiling when I finally get to hold our daughter.

I'm able to get her to easily latch so I can feed her, a happy sigh leaving me as I relax against the pillows of my hospital bed. Once she's fed I gently hum and rock her to sleep, letting Eddie take her back to hold her.

"Is it normal to feel this tired?" I mumble softly as I slump down in the bed.

Weird.....didn't Venom control most of things? Sure I pushed the baby out but he made sure everything went smoothly. So why did I suddenly feel so tired? Was it stress maybe.....?

Eddie's Pov

"Y/N?" Eddie calls, his eyes widening when she collapses back and alarms suddenly go off. "Y/N!"

Eddie hurries over so Venom can move to Y/N, the nurses rushing in. He holds their daughter in his arms as they suddenly wheel her away in her bed.

"Wait! What's happening?" Eddie cries, trying to chase after Y/N.

"You can't go with. You need to stay here. With your daughter," One of the nurses says after stopping him.

Eddie nods but he's deathly pale and his mind is racing. Were they going to lose Y/N?! He couldn't bear the thought of it. Losing his wife after just having a baby?! This was the stuff of nightmares! Hours pass and Eddie still gets no word about Y/N. Their daughter was fussing too, refusing to take any bottles and Eddie didn't blame her. Breastmilk had its benefits after all. At last a bed is rolled in with a sleeping Y/N.

"Mister Brock, does your wife have a history of heart problems?" A doctor asks, a clipboard in his hand as he looks up at Eddie.

"No, not as far as I know. She's never mentioned anything of the kind and there have been no issues so far," Eddie explains. "Doctor, what happened?"

"Y/N had an encounter with Thrombosis. A fee blood clots traveled to her heart and blocked the arteries. We were able to clear it but it's necessary she take blood thinners. The one I'm putting her on won't harm the baby so she's able to continue breastfeeding," The doctor explains. "Has she had any issues?"

"She passes out after panic or anxiety attacks," Eddie explains. "And she had a few fainting spells but her OBGYN told us it happens and she hadn't been eating much so we chalked it up to that. She hasn't had high blood pressure either. Everything was healthy for the most part."

"Sometimes it takes years to show any symptoms. Has she had any trauma?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, and a lot of it," Eddie says, looking over at his sleeping wife. "She'll be okay?"

"Yes. It's something we have to monitor but she will be okay," The doctor says. "She just needs to take the medicine and everything should be fine."

"Thank you Doctor," Eddie sighs with relief. "You know how to keep me on my toes."

Eddie moves over to Y/N with a soft chuckle. He gently brushes the hair from her face and places a kiss on her lips, smiling when she wakes up.

"What happened?" She mumbles, slowly sitting up in bed and wincing. "My chest hurts."

"You had to have surgery," Eddie explains, grabbing their little girl when she starts fussing "I don't want to make it about her but she's been giving us trouble eating."

"Let me see," Y/N smiles, accepting their little girl and pulling down her hospital gown.

Eddie winces when he sees the stitches and incision, Y/N getting their little girl to latch without issue.

"Another added to the collection," Venom announces with a grin. "Battle scars!"

"There you go! Battle scars!" Y/N laughs, grinning at Eddie.

"I guess we should see the bright side," Eddie laughs with a shake of his head. "You two keep me on my toes."


Your Pov

"Look baby! We're home!" I smile when we walk through the doors to our home.

"Finally home!" Venom chirps happily popping out from Eddie's shoulder. "I wanna hold her!"

"Here," Y/N smiles when Venom comes out in his full form, carefully handing him their little girl.

"She's so beautiful," Venom breathes, gasping when she coos at him. "I think she likes me!"

"I would hope so! You're her daddy!" I snort with laughter.

"So, when we gonna have another?" Eddie asks with a smirk.

"Not for a while. Babies back to back are trouble," I laugh. "But we can have another eventually."

"Im looking forward to it," Eddie smiles.

I sigh in content and watch the two men in my life melt over the miracle they had given me. I never thought I would get something like this. Three years and some days it's still really hard to believe I'm in a safe place. Eddie and Venom work with me through all of the worry and self doubt though and I'm so thankful to have them. Things weren't easy, we had our ups and downs, but made it through all of them. I would forever be thankful. I may have lost everything in the ten years I was captured but now I had gained so much more back. These two would be my forever and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

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