chapter9: Double the trouble with the homies

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.... I'm... I'm hungry..."

I swear for some reason I felt a chill run up my spine, Amy felt that too as she hid behind me.

I broke out of my immense fear when I realized Six needed my help

BEN: "Hungry...?" I asked while trying to stay calm, "But you seemed fine just a moment ago!" I pointed out, "is it like a medical condition or-"

She looked up at me, and due to the lights overhead, I could see her eyes under her bangs.

But something was off.

When I saw her eyes, the normally bright golden orbs were dimmed out and faded, as if someone just took the life out of them, as if Six was no longer there, slowly being replaced by another being.

Six: "H.. urgh... don't know... why... urk...but I'" Six started, briefly lowering her gaze before lifting it again to continue.

When she said that, I could've sworn that her teeth appeared sharpened slightly before turning back to normal, once again filling me with dread.

Amy: "i-I found an exit"

I heard Amy say, and when I looked over to him, I saw her pointing down the hallway, where there was another room blocked off by prison bars.

BEN: "hold in six maybe we can find food there"

I quickly activated the Omnitrix faceplate which take them both by surprise, even in this critical stage Six is still curious and fascinated by the Omnitrix and the power it holds.

I found the alien icon I need so in a flash of green light I was.

BEN(Ditto): "DITTO!!!" I shouted

Ditto is about the height of an average human child. He has white skin, a black and white head, and face, black shoulders, large hands with four digits, and feet that are merely stubs.

Amy: "wow you're soo cute" Amy said hugging me who is now taller than me by a few inches in my Ditto form

BEN(Ditto): "jeez Amy, why so touchy all of a sudden?"

Amy: "ah sorry" she said backing away with a noticeable blush "so..what can this guy do?"

BEN(Ditto): "this" I said as I clone myself "say hello to Ditto number two"

Ditto2: "What the fuckz the fuck up, homie"

Six: ""

BEN(Ditto): "Oh yeah Ditto number two go help Six"

Ditto2: "Got dat shit boss"

Ditto2 then put his arm around
Six's shoulders and her arm around his shoulders, helping her along.

I could hear her stomach continuously growling like a wild beast while she took deep, heavy breaths.

Eventually, we arrived at the end of the hallway.

And we find a mysterious boy,
eating at a table by himself on the other side of the bars.

BEN(Ditto): "U-Uh, excuse me," I called to him, catching his attention, "Do you have any food-" I said but Ditto2 cut me off by jumping on the table and holding the kid's shirt coler

Ditto2: "Look dude we're gettin' dat food Fo' my fuckin' homie like Dat shit or not"

He said gesturing to Six.

The kid ran away screaming and me and Amy facepalm ourselves.

Ditto2: "What the fuck? did I do wrong, I was just gettin' tha food fo' my fuckin' starvin' homie"

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