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Octavian POV
After Mr and Mrs Parker left the room, Xander asked if anyone wanted to watch a movie. Sure Skylar said shrugging. Let's watch Frozen she added excitedly. Seriously? Frozen? Asher asked.  Yes . Do you have a problem with that? Skylar asked sweetly. Too sweetly. Well no he gulped. Great let's  go then. Wait! She said shortly after we have no snacks. Just come downstairs Asher said.
When we got to the living room, Xander said with a fake British accent. Your seat my lady. Skylar giggled before sitting on one of the couches. Octavian, please help me get the snacks. I went with him into the kitchen and popped some popcorn into the microwave while he grabbed chocolate and some bottles of coke. We took all into the living room when the popcorn was done. Xander started the movie. We watched in comfortable silence till Elsa started singing "let it go". Snow ❄️ glows white  on a mountain tonight not a footprint to be seen. Skylar started. A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I am a queen. I joined in. Skylar paused the movie and gaped at me. I don't s-s-stut-s-stutter when I s-s-s-s-sing . I explained looking at her. Wait no it is not about stuttering.
It's just that I am surprised you know the song. It's H-haz-hazel's fa-f-favou-favourite and I-I am f-forced to watch-watch with her. She nodded in understanding before resuming the movie. Towards the end of the movie, Skylar fell asleep on me and I guess I fell asleep to because I woke up to the sound of a camera clicking. I opened my eyes and saw Xander taking a picture of us. Skylar stirred in her sleep and I glared at Xander who was grinning and taking pictures. If you wake her up,I will hurt you I signed to him. He just rolled his eyes and walked to their room.I carried  Skylar to her room,placed her on the bed and laid next to her.

Skylar POV

I woke up the next day with an empty stomach. I tried rolling off my bed but there was a heavy hand on me. I saw that the hand belonged to Octavian and sighed because I really wanted to practice my ninja moves. Why? You might ask.Well I had a dream that I was a ninja and the safety of the world depended on me. Unfortunately, the world has to wait because there is a hand on me and I am hungry. Speaking of hunger, I really need to eat. I heaved his hand off my body and walked into the kitchen deciding to make pancakes. I took the ingredients out measured them into a bowl and started mixing the batter. Since I am so nice, I decided to make pancakes for everyone. While mixing the batter,I heard someone coming down the stairs. The person walked into the kitchen and just stood there.  I thought it was one of the twins or even Mr Parker so I turned around smiling. I saw that it was Aaron with his hands behind him again. My smile dropped and I looked at him in fear. My gaze lingered on his arms and I guess he noticed because he raised his hands to show me he was holding nothing.I still backed away because,you never know he might have installed something in the kitchen to kill me. I was imagining different ways he could kill me like stabbing me with a knife, burning me alive, and ......
I was suddenly snapped out of wonderland by snapping noises in front of me. I saw that Aaron was standing  close to me and was snapping his fingers in front of my face. I immediately stepped back again since he was close enough to strangle me.
You are scared of me he said stating the obvious. Look,I am sorry for everything I have done to you he said quietly. Why? Why did you do it? I asked equally quiet.
It's just, after so many years of searching for you in vain,you are just found in the same town we live in. I thought you were just a look alike sent to break our hearts again. I didn't think it through but now that I have, I realised it sounds so stupid. But why did you feel the need to spray perfume in my face?
As soon as you were born, the doctors told us you had severe asthma. And? I questioned genuinely curious. I  figured you might look alike but couldn't possibly have the same medical condition. But why didn't you help me after you realised I was the one? I was shocked and confused since I felt so bad for how I treated you. OK I shrugged. OK? He questioned shocked. Does this mean you forgive me? Sure I replied. What is there to lose? Well, thanks.  What are you making?pancakes I replied. Care if I help? Sure all the ingredients are in already just mix them and set the table. Okey dokey he said smiling. I laughed and shook my head. He made jokes the whole time and I laughed till my stomach hurt. When we were done,Aaron screamed for everyone to come for breakfast. Instead of the thundering of feet like I expected, we were met with silence. He tried again but I guess everyone was still sleeping. What do you suggest we do? I asked smiling.
Well, I would suggest we wake them up like normal people but,your smile tells me you have something in mind so,let's go with your plan. Great! I smiled.
Do you by any chance have water balloons?

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