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Skylar POV

I went to the kitchen and quickly assembled their food on a tray before taking it out to them.When I went to place their food on the table, I realised they were staring intently at me which made me uncomfortable. I set the food on the table and quickly went back into the kitchen. Soon,I was called back to the dining area to give them their bill.They paid and left me with a heavy tip.

Octavian POV

We quickly ate and asked for our bill before paying leaving her with a heavy tip.We went to the twins house. We are home!They both shout we are in the kitchen their parents yell back from the kitchen. We walk into the kitchen and see both parents at the counter with cups of coffee. They are looking over a map .When we walk in,they raise their heads and it looks like they have been crying. Everyday for some reason, they always have different maps on their table trying to find something or someone I don't know. I get they are FBI agents and senior ones at that which makes them crazy rich but,they are always looking for people on these maps and I doubt it is different people everyday since they are always muttering about a girl .Hi guys the twins said but,I just nodded at them. These guys were like second parents to me. Okay,we saw a girl who looked like us just, with mom's hair at the cafe we went to. They looked at each other with hope which made us confused. They insisted we take them to the cafe but,we managed to convince them to wait till the next day since they looked tired.

Skylar POV

I went home after my shift. Thankfully, my "father " was not home yet so I went up to my room. I opened my drawer and removed a picture with my mom,dad and I. In this picture, we all looked so happy. I lost track of time remembering all the fun and happy times we spent together that,I didn't realise my father was home till he started shouting insults at me and climbing the stairs to my room angrily. When he finally came up,he pulled me by the hair down the stairs and threw me on the floor. He slowly unclapsed his belt and hit me with it then stabbed my shoulder with a kitchen knife. My vision became blurry and I felt something wet on my shoulder. The moment I realised it was my own blood, I screamed and fell into darkness.

When I woke up ,my whole body was in pain and I realised it was morning. He left me unconscious the whole night. This,is certainly not the dad I knew. I painfully got up and cleaned the blood, my blood from the floor before slowly walking up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and freezing cold water fell on my body. I showered quickly and came out since I didn't want to have an asthma attack. I then walked to my room, took the first aid box from under my bed and cleaned my wounds. Luckily, my shoulder didn't need any stitches.I cleaned my wounds, got dressed and took my phone ready to leave for work. I turned it on and realised I had a lot of missed calls from my boss. I was confused as to why she was calling me beacause my shift started in an hour. I immediately called back. Hello ,oh hi,Skylar where have you been? What do you mean?I asked confused. Check the date she said into the phone. I confusedly checked the date and realised it was Sunday the 10th instead of the 3rd.I had been unconscious for a whole week!Sorry I was not feeling well I said.Ok dear,rest for one more day and come in tomorrow. Thankyou I said gratefully. I decided to go to the park to atleast relax for a while.

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