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    I collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. I've been training for hours, nonstop. My body finally gave out and I fell to the ground. "Come on Luka. We're not finished." I groaned. All we've been doing is physical training, I haven't even begun working on my powers. With the last of my strength, I pushed myself up and stood in a battle stance. Toby rushed me, I swung and hit him in the jaw. His head jerked up and he grinned. A dark bruise appearing almost instantly on his pale skin.
     "That all you got Luka?" His teeth glittering in the bright room. My vision flickered and I started shaking. I was gonna lose it. He charged me again, his hatchets poised, ready for action. Purple clouded my vision. I could see but I wasn't in control. My wings sprung out and I darted to the side. He swung his hatchet and I ducked, sending his hatchet into the floor. With the sudden opportunity, I found myself heating up. Magic coursed through my veins and I threw a fireball at Toby's trapped form. Slendy blocked it," That's enough. Luka, you go clean up and head down for dinner." I snapped out of it and went to my room.
     After a shower, I pulled on random clothes and walked downstairs. My body ached and I was tired. I was going straight to bed after dinner.
     Everyone's usual chatter was nice, we were a family. Not by blood but by something deeper. A bond that you could see written on our faces when we were in each other's presence. I finished and sat back. EJ was next to me and had finished long before anyone else.
    I excused myself and walked to my room. EJ was right behind me. He hasn't left my side since that day two weeks ago. I pulled on sweats and crawled into bed. EJ pulled off his hoodie and his shoes. Waiting until he crawled in with me to pull off his mask. His gray skin, sharp teeth, and long shaggy dark brown hair were what I lived for. I traced his lips with my finger and he closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I snuggled into his bare chest and he looked down at me, an easy grin on his face. "I love you, Luka," his deep voice vibrated through his chest. "I love you too Jack." I closed my eyes and he kissed my forehead, slowly covering my face in kisses until he came to my lips. I kissed back with just as much force as him. My wings wrapped around us and I rested my head on his chest. He purred and his chin met my head. I slowly fell asleep wrapped in EJ's arms. His warmth the only thing around me.

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