I lift my head up and look into his eyes. I blink a few times to clear my vision from the tears and look at my handsome mate.

"I can't live without you." He is my life! He gives my forehead and huge kiss. My heart melts.

"I will bring her home. You should not put a foot out of this house." He commands and kisses my lips before pulling away in few seconds.

"But Hunter-"

"I am not going to hear anymore." His finger is on my lips. "Are they here?" He asks Derek.

"They will be here is a few minutes, Alpha. I will be with Luna." He comes and stands beside me. Hunter sighs and nods.

"Remember... Not a foot outside the house." I just nod my head. My heart feels heavy, but I know I have to do this.

He kisses my forehead again and is about to leave when my hand holds his stopping him for a quick second. I don't know why... I feel like something is going to happen.

"Angel-" I stop him.

"You will come back to me." I say with no other option.

"I will." He promises and nods at Derek before looking at me one last time as he leaves the house. I feel so heavy and suffocating. I want to go with him and fight beside him. I want to run to him.

Hold back, Angela! Hold back!

Hunter's POV

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" My voice raises and I can't control the anger. Mark is about to just jump into his territory with no plan or thought. His wolf is going crazy knowing that his mate is in danger. He is pacing like a maniac. I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him. A few of our warriors are behind him waiting for him to calm down.

"You don't understand! I can't... I can't reach her!" He runs a hand through his hair. He pulls at his hair. "Fuck! I can't hear her!" His eyes are dark black and his fingers are turning into claws slowly.

"Control yourself, Mark!" I command in my Alpha voice and he submits to it. But we all can hear his heart beating fast. "We will come up with a plan. We will save your mate from him."

"How?! That fucking monster... You know how he is!"

I know! I know he is one thirsty Power hunger fucker! He is cunning, deceiving and smart! Not something good.

"I will have to go!" Mark rushes towards the fences. That crazy mother fucker! He is actually going to get himself killed!

"Stop!" Fuck! I can't believe my calm Best friend and Logical thinking Beta is panicking right now! I might go crazy too if someone even lays a hand on my Angel, but I never expected to see Mark this way! I need to calm him for now! "You are going to get yourself killed."

"Like that matters." He doesn't even care.

"It fucking matters!" My voice roars and all the warriors bow down. Mark bows down too. "You are not just someone's mate. You are the Beta of a pack. More than a thousand wolves are looking up to you. Most of them wishing to be you or aiming to be you. Your pack needs you. Your Alpha needs you. Get yourself together." He doesn't nod at my words like he usually does.

I sigh. All of them are waiting for my command. I look away to calm myself down and think. I need to set my priorities straight.

One. Bring Clay out of there safe and sound.

Two. Find out what secret mission is going on in this facility.

Three. Save my pack and kill Lupus.

I need him gone to be sure that my mate can be safe. She will no longer be living in the fear of someone else.

"I will go in-"

"Alpha!" I give them a look and they all stop.

"I will go in myself. I need to do this. No one knows how crazy he is as much as me. I will bring Clay out of there." Mark shakes his head.

"I will come with you, Alpha-"

"Mark our pack needs you. Your responsibilities should be fulfilled by you." I know if I go in there... It would mean war.

"We will come with you, Alpha" My warriors feel protective of letting their Alpha go alone. I just nod my head.

"But how will you go inside?" Mark asks.

"The rogue we caught gave the information about entering in." One of the warriors inform.

"Let's go in then." I command "Let's get those fucking bastards."

"Alpha, I want to come with you." Mark insists.

"You will stay outside and be my second eye."

"But-" I interrupt him.

"Let's go in. Now!" I command and a few warriors come to my side.

"Alpha, it must be a trap!" One of the warriors whisper as we pass the boarder and go into the facility through the back door. Everything is closed and all of them are locked up. Only the back door is open. There are no security cameras. Something is not right! Something is very suspicious!

"It was too easy to some in."

"The place smells horrendous!" Another one of them speaks my thoughts out loud. I can smell medicines, blood... Young blood.

"This is not right, Apha!" One of them tries to counsel me.

"Something-Fuck!" The warriors on my right starts to say something when someone hits him. He coughs blood and falls down to the ground.

"What!?" I nearly yell. Just watched my pack members cough out blood. Before I can fight him, the attack starts and as I try to fight back. Someone has hit me and I can feel the blood dripping down the neck. My vision starts to blur and I hold my head. My warriors are fighting but most of them have fallen down. I hold my head and slide down the wall.

I see a figure walking out of the darkness. Someone beside him is holding the light. As the figure nears me, everything settles in. He has a sinister smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you again, Nephew!"

Iwill fucking kill you!

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