"I'm here, Jess. I'll always be here." He whispered to her, trying to comfort her as much as he could. "I've got you."


Jake held Jessica's shaking hand all the way down the mountain.

He kept looking at her, concern overcoming him every time she stopped walking to cry.

He tried to comfort her and offer her anything he could to make her feel better. But ultimately, there was nothing he could do or say that would help.

So all he did was hold her hand a little tighter.

The sky grew orange as the sun began its descent by the time they reached the bottom of the mountain and climbed into his truck. They drove in silence, Jess watching the mountain grow smaller and smaller in the passenger mirror, silent tears running down her cheeks as he drove.

Once they finally made their way back inside the B&B, he helped her upstairs and into bed, where she stayed for the remainder of the night. He didn't linger; he made his way back down the stairs to give her some privacy. Jake checked in every now and then, taking her some water and food, which mostly went untouched.

It was awful seeing her in so much pain. It was like that first night after Adam had died all over again. He'd never forget the way she clung to him for support or how bright her cheeks and nose were from crying.

It was hard to even remember it.

He decided to spend his evening sitting in the bar, drinking Pepsi, and planning their excursion for tomorrow.

It had to be good. Perfect. It had to make her smile again. Adam would want that. He'd want her to smile and laugh and be happy. He wouldn't want her to be sad like she is now.

It was past midnight before he went to bed, and she was curled up on her side, hugging a pillow. Her hair was covering her face, and he couldn't help but brush it aside to reveal her face.

She looked even more beautiful when she was asleep. Her face lost all its worry; all the frown lines were gone and replaced with smooth, soft skin.

He quietly changed into his PJs and led down next to her, trying not to groan every time the bed creaked under his weight. But she didn't stir. She didn't even flutter an eyelid. She just rolled into him, her arm over his stomach, her head nestled into his chest. And he accepted her gratefully.


Jess woke up to an empty bed. She ran her hand across the blanket and felt that it was barren.

She opened her eyes to see the room bathed in beautiful sunlight. But it was empty too. Next to her on the pillow was a piece of paper with a note scrawled on it in a perfect cursive hand. Who would have thought that Jake would have such pretty handwriting.

Come find me downstairs when you feel ready, Jake.

She sat up and stretched. Her heart didn't sting so much today, but it still ached.

She went downstairs after a quick shower and changed into more outdoor hiking gear, where she found Jake eating breakfast at the bar.

"Morning." He smiled and patted the stool next to him.

She jumped up on it and gave him a smile back as Dai burst through the door behind the bar holding a plate of food. "Ahh! There's the main lady! Here is your breakfast; I hope you enjoy it."

He placed a plate of ham and cheese omelette in front of her with two pieces of toast. She licked her lips with anticipation; it smelled divine. She didn't eat anything after yesterday and barely drank the water Jake brought up, so her stomach growled with need. "Thank you." She said to both Jake and Dai and dug in.

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