Chapter 7

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It was just few minutes but felt it like it has been days that doctor is inside.
He legs started bouncing in nervousness Nyonica kept her hands on his knees to stop his bouncing.

Manik: Mom how much time?

Nyonica: Manu it's been only 15 minutes let them check.

Mahesh: Manik keep patience beta.

Manik got up and started pacing in the corridor . Doctor came outside seeing which Manik came to him and asked.

Manik: Doctor how is she? What happened? Is she fine?

Doctor: Mr. Malhotra she is fine now and is sleeping due to medicine. About what happened we would like to first run some test then we can exactly tell you what happened.

Manik: She will be fine right?

Doctor: Yes Mr.Malhotra she will be fine. You all can go see her and when she wakes up let us know so that we can take her for tests.

Mahesh: Sure Doctor. Thankyou.

Manik entered inside and sighed seeing her sleeping peacefully. He just could not take that image out of his mind of her writhing in pain.

He walked to her and kissed the back of her hand.

Nyonica: She is fine beta, don't worry.

Manik nodded at her.

Manik: Mom, Dad you both go home and come back later.

Mahesh: You sure?

Manik: Yes take some rest then come, it's already morning. Veer must be wondering where all of us are.

Nyonica: Okk call us if you need anything, I will send you breakfast and some soup for Nandu.

Manik: Yaa.
Nyonica kissed his forehead and caressed Nandini's hair while Mahesh patted his back and both of them left.

Malhotra Mansion
Mahesh and Nyonica came inside and seeing them Veer frowned seeing both of them coming from outside this early morning.

Veer: Mom Dad from where are you coming?

Mahesh: We are coming from hospital.

Veer: What? Why? Are you both fine?

Nyonica: We are fine beta, Nandu is hospitalised.

Veer: Hunn Bhabi? Why? What happened? And nobody told us.

Mahesh then explained everything that happened to Veer.

Veer: All this happened and nobody woke us up.

Nyonica: Beta we did not have time to tell you she was in so much pain so we could not wait.

Veer: How is bhabhi now?

Mahesh: She was sleeping when we came.

Veer: I will get ready and go to hospital Bhai is alone there.

Nyonica: Yes beta go have your breakfast and take breakfast for them too.

Veer: Ok.
He went upstairs and got ready quickly and informed Aashna as well.
He quickly had his breakfast and went to hospital.

Manik was sitting in the chair with his head on the bed and his hand holding Nandini's hand. Her hand made a movement making Manik alert he quickly got up and cupped her cheeks.

She opened her eyes and squinted a little due to light.

Manik: Shona.
She looked at him and smiled a little.

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