Chapter 1

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Three years later

True Lifecare Hospital

Nandini was checking a patient who was not more than 6 years she was conversing with that child with a wide smile on her face.

Nandini: Such a strong girl you are Dhriti.

Dhriti: Really?

Nandini: Yes and see your parents are so proud of you.

Dhriti: Why?

Nandini: Why because Dhriti has been such good girl to doctor didi and your mumma, papa, you have been taking medicines on time right. I heard it from fairy.

Dhriti: Fairy said it to you?

Nandini: Yes, should I tell you a secret?

Dhriti: Yes- yes.

Nandini:"smiling at her enthusiastic face" Fairy is my friend and she told me as Dhriti has not eaten any chocolates for so long give this chocolate from my side.

Dhriti: Fairy gave this for me.

Nandini: Yes she gave it for you.

Dhriti: Thank you fairy and doctor didi.

Nandini: Welcome baby but you should not eat this at once when mumma gives it to you, you can have it ok.

Dhriti: Yesh.

Nandini: Good girl.

Nandini turned to Dhriti's parents and asked them to take a seat.

Nandini:Mr and Mrs Rai no need to worry, everything is under control.

Mr. Rai: How is she recovering?

Nandini: I must say good progress Mr. Rai. Just continue with the diet for this two weeks and once in a week you can be lenient on her diet. Avoid spices and junk food, make it healthy and home made food, her stomach is still healing.

Mrs.Rai: Sure doctor we will keep that in mind.

Nandini: About her medicines I will prescribe with new medicines reducing the doses and frequency. And bring her after two weeks for her final check up after that you can stop with her medications completely but yeah just be careful with her diet. Thats all for now.

Mrs. Rai: Thank you so much doctor now we are releived, we were not able to see her in pain.

Nandini: Don't worry it's all gone now.

Mr. Rai: You are so kind and helpful. Thank you.

Nandini: It was my duty Mr. Rai, Dhriti is such a sweet child.

The couple smiled and got up to leave.

Dhriti: Bye doctor didi and say thank you to fairy for my choclate.

Nandini: Sure Dhriti and take care.

After they went Nandini sighed and closed her eyes, she was very tired as she was working from morning continuously and skipped her lunch and now it was almost 7 at evening.

As she closed her eyes, her phone rang. She looked at caller ID frowning she picked up the call.

Nandini: Yes Maa.

Nyonica spoke something making her stand and rush out.

Nandini: Maa don't worry everything will be ready here till you reach, tell Veer to drive carefully.

Saying this she hung up the call and rushed to inform the nurses and receptionist about the same.

After 10 minutes Veer, Nyonica and Aashna came inside.

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