Chapter 6

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Next day went like any other day for everyone. It was night time and Nandini was a bit late she came after everyone had their dinner except Manik who was waiting for her. When she came Manik went down to heat their dinner. She came down and made a face seeing the dinner.

Manik saw her making face and raised his eyebrows at her.

Nandini: *making a puppy face* I don't want to eat.

Manik: And may I ask why madam?

Nandini: Mani I am not hungry, please.

Manik: No No bahana come have your food.

Nandini: Mani Sachi I am not hungry at all you have your food.

Manik: Shona what happened? When did you eat last that you are not hungry hmm?

Nandini: I had coffee and a sandwich.

Manik: And that filled your tummy?

Nandini nodded looking at him to which Manik shaked his head in disbelief and pulled her and made her sit and he himself sat beside her.

Nandini: Mani....

Manik: Have a bit I will feed you.

Nandini frowned and nodded.

Manik served in a plate and started feeding her and himself having in between. He kept feeding her and after few bites she stopped him but after lots of pestering he fed her few more morsels.

Nandini: Bas Mani please I really cannot have more.

Manik: Okk but Shona I am observing that your appetite is reducing you need to have more.

Nandini: I don't know I don't feel like eating anything.

Manik frowned at that seeing which Nandini smiled and fed him the remaining food. After completing their dinner Nandini cleaned the dishes and the table while Manik helped her. They both then went to their room and sat on the bed while Nandini went to her dressing table and started applying her lotion. As she bent to apply it on her legs she got a sudden sharp pain on the lower region of abdomen alerting Manik.

Manik: Shona what happened?

She clutched his hands in her tight grip from one hand and kept her other hand on her lower abdomen.

Manik: Shona?
He stood their not knowing what to do and what was happening to her he just stood their with her and rubbed her back.

Few minutes passed and her pain subsided she took some few deep breath.

Manik: You Okk?

Nandini nodded while Manik lifted her, made her sit on the bed and made her drink water.

Manik: What happened Shona?

Nandini: Mani my stomach is paining.

Manik: It's still paining?

Nandini: Yes.

Manik: Wait let me call Mom.

Nandini: No just give me medicine box I will have medicine from that Can you please bring me warm water to drink?

Manik: Yes I will just come.

He quickly went down and bought the warm water and gave the medicine box to her. She took the medicine while Manik took the glass, medicine box and kept it aside. He made her lay down and kissed her forehead.

Manik: This has happened before?

Nandini: Yes yesterday when I climbed the stairs but it was not this intense.

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