Chapter Twenty-Seven- Sibling Rivalry

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"Don't you mean, who did she ended up with last night?" he laughed loudly. Harry laughed as well, and the two high fived each other, thinking highly of themselves.

Marina and I looked at each other, rolling our eyes. "Men..." The two of us chimed in sync.

"Britt was with Niall last night." I informed Marina. A smile spread across her face.

"I knew it! I knew Brittany liked Niall!" Marina exclaimed.

"How could you have possibly have known that?" Brittany asked sarcastically, strolling into the room, with her arm hooked around Niall's. "Hello Brother. I didn't expect you to stay here last night. Were you with Princess Beka last night?" She asked, hoping that she had a piece of gossip.

Mitch and I looked at each other. I turned back to the other four, and they all looked at us, waiting for the answer. "Yes we were-..." Mitch began, the four's eyes widened with surprise.

"Mitch!" I exclaimed. I was about to slap him across the arm, but he caught my wrist.

"But not in the way you guys were. We just talked all night." He continued, acting if I never had interrupted him. I yanked my wrist out of his hold, and Mitch just laughed at me.

"Yea, sure you were." Harry said with a smirk, not believing his long-time friend.

"No, truly, that was all we did Hazza." I said trying to convince my curly headed brother.

"You're not serious? So there was no sex at all?" Niall asked, surprised. Mitch cocked an eyebrow at him, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Nope nothing even remotely close to that, Nialler." said Mitch

"Snogging?" Marina asked expectantly.

"Spooning?" Britt asked.

"No nothing, just polite conversation between two people." I said with a shrug, looking up at Mitch standing next to me.

There was a moment of silence as the two couples stared at Mitchell and I shocked. It was Niall who broke the silence first. "Why...!? He exclaimed

"Why what?" Mitch said sounding annoyed. I had to agree with him. I did find their staring to be quite blunt and just plain rude.

"You had the perfect opportunity to absolutely demolish each other, and yet, you choose to sit there and talk all night? That doesn't make any sense!" Marina said forcefully. The three others nodded with agreement.

A frown etched my face. "It makes perfect sense, I swear boys, it's like you barely know me. I grew up in a family that had very strong values, and besides, why should I waste it on someone I had only just met, no offense Mitch,"

"None taken." he shrugged.

"Or, wait for the moment where I know I'm ready, and I know he's the love of my life?" I retaliated.

Mitch gave me a shocked look before he smiled admiringly at me. "I agree with Beka one hundred per cent. Even though my Mother and Father weren't very strict on the sex before marriage thing, I still believe it should be a rule you follow. Your innocence isn't something you should waste. Without it, what else would you have? Not a lot of things are permanent in this life, but your virtue is." Mitchell said sternly. I respected him for standing up for what he believed in. It only made me like him more.

The four stood there, lost for words, and I smiled with our victory. I knew we had gotten through to them. They didn't look like they were regretting the night before, but I could tell they were thinking it over.

"What was with the arguing, and why is it at such an ungodly hour?" Zayn complained as he stepped into the Dining Hall with a tired looking Ally holding his hand. Liam, Isabelle, Rebecca, Josh, Ashley, and Louis weren't far behind, all looking well-over tired, and all complaining about the level of noise we were making.

"Mitch and Beka spent the night together last night, but all they did was talk." Harry said, informing Zayn.

"What? Why?" said all eight of the new additions to the room in a perfectly timed chorus.

I huffed angrily, and stalked away from the group of teenagers. "Despicable. That's what you all are. Despicable!" I muttered through my teeth.

I took my usual seat, and looked down the elongated table, staring furiously at Simon's chair all the way down the other end. My brothers, and their dates, chose seats. I ignored them. Mitch was the only one that sat anywhere near me, he held my hand under the table, and squeezed it encouragingly. I gave him a small smile, but remained silent. It was a very smart decision on my brother's behalves to stay away from me.


Not long after, Simon, Helena, Grandfather and the princesses' parents piled into the room, and filled the available seats. It was much louder in the hall with the additional voices, but it filled up the space, and made it seem like it wasn't so empty.

I looked around the table at everybody. Even though I was still angry at the boys, I could see how happy they were with their partners, so with a sigh, I dropped my anger, and tried to join in on some of the conversations that were happening at the table.

I caught Simon's eye, and he mouthed me a question. "Are you ok?" he asked. I nodded my head, reassuring him. Simon nodded in reply, and stood from his chair. The conversations died down as Simon waited. "Breakfast is served." He said out loud, clapping his hands twice. Several servants rushed into the room, all smiling brightly, and a loud and hungry cheer came over everybody at the table.

As usual, mountains of food were placed on the table, barely leaving enough room for our own plates to be set in front of us. Freddy had really out done himself, yet again. I smiled at the scene of old and new friends joining our family, and just enjoying the moment they had.

I was about to take a bite of an apple when a loud yelling came from the middle of the table. "I could so beat you Tomo! I bet that all the girls here could beat you boys at something!" Ashley yelled competitively, standing from her chair and pointing at Louis accusingly. Everybody went silent, and looked up from their plates at the two curiously.

"Nah, girls can't beat guys at anything." Louis challenged back, sounding like a five year old, and all the males agreed with a chuckle.

"I do seem to recall winning in our sword fight Louis." I spoke up, pretending to be baffled. "Actually, I recall winning against all six of you, my dearest brothers." I said smugly. The boys all blushed deeply, and 'OH's', and 'ah's' flew over the table.

Louis eyes turn to slits, as he stared evilly down the table at me. Obviously, he didn't want that day to be brought up in front of the girls. "Yes, my dearest sister, Beka, you did beat us, but what I'm saying is that none of the other girls could beat us at sword fighting."

I smirked. I love to be annoying! "I could train them. Give me a week. I'll have them ready by then, and then, once and for all, we can prove who the superior sex is." I stated, and the girls cheered, liking the idea.

"Fine, you have a deal, this time next week will be when we hold this competition." Louis said finalising the bet.

Everyone at the table began to discuss about our game, Louis kept sneaking death stares towards me, but I would just return it with a challenging smile. I could hear the parents waging over the possibilities, and made bets between themselves, but I ignored it all and ate my breakfast smugly.

The girls are so going to win this. Girls rule, boys drool!

Hey guys,

About two weeks ago, all my friends at school, even my boyfriend were sick. It was really weird. I was the only one that was fine, and I kept telling myself that "I'll be fine. I won't get sick."

Well guess what...?

I'm flipping sick! I've been so bored for the last two days that I've seen every possible ad on TV. I'ts driving me crazy!

P.s I hoped you liked the Chappie :) I've descided that it maybe a while before the story ends. I didn't plan on having Mitchell in the story, but I needed him for the sequel.

Please leave you thoughts either below, or in an inbox, or I'll send Tiggers to your house while you sleep! mwahahahaha!


Love Always,



The Medieval Story Of One Direction (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora