Chapter Four- The Lullaby and Executions

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As much as I was trying it not to, the suspense was killing me. One by one, the cells were being emptied, and only the guards would return, seeking a new prisoner. I was doing extremely well to keep my composer, because on the inside I was pulling my hair out, and screaming as many profanities that I could think of.

The small woman was taken out of her cell, and a wave of distress came over me, but I hid it quickly.

"Good luck, sweetheart, I pray that the heavens are watching over you, because you deserve a better fate than mine." She whispered weakly. I nodded, returning the gesture, and tears began to flood my eyes. She was the only person that had showed me any kindness, and she was a low life prisoner. She gave me a small smile, before mouthing 'head up, wipe your tears' at me, and was whisked away, out of the room.

I could tell Xavier, who stayed in the room the whole time, was watching me closely, looking for any signs of stress, but I refused to give him any encouragement to torment me. I refuse to cry, and I was glad when the tears decided to agree with me at this point. Xavier huffed angrily, and I smirked. I was beating him. Even though these were my last moment in this world, I figured, why not enjoy them?

"I am going to love watching your head roll, little girl." Xavier huffed.

"Even so, I'll enjoy haunting you in the afterlife." I replied, smugly.

I could see Xavier was trying very hard to think of a comeback but it never came. Xavier, zero. Beka, one.


By the time I was the last prisoner in the room, my solid wall of calmness was slipping. Without realizing, my fingers started drumming impatiently on the metal plate that was beside me, making a clanging noise echo through the room. Xavier was teasing me, waiting for me to snap, but I refused to cave in. He could wait for as long as he wanted, but I was not giving in.

While I drummed my fingers, I started humming the tune of the lullaby my mother sung to me when I was little, and I reconciled over my life. There was so much that I haven't done, so many thing I dreamt of doing that I'll never be able to complete, the heart breaks that I haven't faced, the seas left untraveled, but none of it mattered if I didn't have a family to share my ups and downs with.

It's official, I had accepted my death, but it didn't bother me, even though it should. My suspense had transformed into adrenaline. Paul wouldn't be able to do anything; nobody was going to be a hero and jump out to rescue me, before the razor sharp blade came down upon my neck. The fairy tales that I grew up with only gave me a false sense of hope over the years to hide the fact that the real world is a big scary place. Mummy and Daddy weren't here to protect me anymore. And in that short period of thoughts, I had grown up, shedding my childish ways, and become an adult. Even if I was to be killed today, I was going to go out with a bang, and with that, the lock on my cell gate, sprung open. The two guards stood outside, with bored faces. I laughed, as I realised that finally, it was time...


Prince Louis's POV-

I was sitting in my comfy, high backed, chair, watching over the executions from the balcony that looked down onto the colosseum. My brothers were all sitting in a straight row either side of me, in order of age, me being in the middle, all watching with complete disgust. My father was sitting somewhere on the platform above us. I never understood why he made us watch the killings of these people, even if they were the lowest of the low. It just didn't seem right. The whole kingdom had come to watch as well. It was a weekly event; one I was glad that Beka and her family ever attended.

Personally, I found it quite barbaric, but the townspeople found joy in watching the killings of all of the people that had done wrongs against them. They cheered when Father found them guilty, and the prisoner's heads rolled. Like always, there was nobody ever found innocent. What happened to forgive and forget? I didn't understand how father couldn't show mercy some of these people; some of the crimes were for the pettiest things. It just didn't seem fare.

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