Chapter Twenty-Six- Losing Track of the Time

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  • Dedicated to Marj Kenny

Beka's POV-

I sat at an abandoned table, with my hand shelving my chin as I watched Niall, and the blonde girl kiss briefly. I sighed sadly, looking away, not wanting to watch the two kiss. Everybody in the room had a partner. I was sitting by myself, feeling bored, and lonely.

"Does that make you feel as sick as it makes me?" an unfamiliar voice joked. I looked to the side, and a tall, blonde hair and stormy eyed boy, stood a few steps away, with his hands folded behind his back. My hair had curtained my face, so I hadn't seen him approach me before.

The boy looked back to Niall and the blonde, and smirked. I smiled as well, understanding his humour. "Yes and no." I giggled. "I'm happy that my brother...well all my brothers have found someone they are interested in, but, yes, I do feel a bit oozy watching them." I continued.

"When you sighed, it didn't seem like you were too happy about it." He pushed. "What's wrong love?"

I sighed again, pulling down the façade. "Look around you. What's the difference between me, and everybody else?" I asked.

He had time to think, as he inspected the people in the room. "You're feeling lonely." he said with an understanding smirk.

"Exactly," I said exasperated. "I'm beginning to think I can be too generous at times."

The blonde laughed, and gave me a curious look. I felt very comfortable around this stranger. "And what has led you to that conclusion?" he asked

"All night, I've matched up my six brothers with a girl. I even got King Simon, my Father, a date for tonight, and even though I'm quite sure they're grateful, I'm sitting here by myself. I know I sound self-absorbed, but tonight was supposed to be about celebrating my joining of the family, and yet, none of my family is available to spend the time to celebrate with me." I said sadly, with a little bit of annoyance in my voice.

The blonde laughed. "With your permission, Princess Beka, I would be honoured to fill in the absence of you Father, and brothers." He said cheerfully, and did a small bow in front of me.

"How'd you know to call me Beka?" I asked, suspicious that this boy had been stalking me.

"I used to spend a lot of time here as a boy. Your brothers have filled me in on everything I've missed over the years, and plus, I know your grandfather; he has spoken of nothing but you all night."

I smiled. Even though I had only known my Grandfather for a short time, I was already beginning to love him. "Well then, yes, you may accompany me, Prince...ah...?"

"Mitch. Mitchell Robinson. Brittany's older brother."

I gave him an awkward look. "It is nice to meet you Mitch. Please, take a seat. I don't think I've met Brittany though."

Mitch took a seat opposite me, and I turned in my chair so I was facing him. "Well, not officially. She's the girl that was snogging with your brother, Niall." he said smugly. "I'm her set guardian for tonight."

"And you're allowing her to be kissing someone she only just met tonight? You're not doing a very good job of it." I joked.

Mitchell sighed. "She doesn't know I've been watching her. My older sister told me to 'keep an eye on her', so I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I haven't spoken to anybody tonight. I've been too busy." Mitchell said sadly.

"If my brothers told me what to do, I'd punch them in the nose. Why are you letting an older sibling boss you around?" I scoffed.

"I'm guessing you're the rebellious type that never gets in trouble, because you think of witty ways to get out of a situation where you are going to be punished." Mitchell assumed.

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