Chapter Twenty-Three- Make-Out Session and Gouging Out Eyeballs

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Beka's POV-

I walked confidently back into the ballroom, after I said goodnight to Josh, he refused to come back to the celebration, because he was still embarrassed. A hand shot out a grabbed me by the arm. "Again, what is it with everybody thinking they can just reach out a grab me tonight?" I muttered to myself.

I looked up to the person who had grabbed me, and a scowl immediately etched into my face. "I thought I made myself clear enough. I told you to stay away from me King David." I said forcefully.

A forced smile was stuck on his face, and his eyes looked at me with lust. "And I thought I had made it clear when I said that I always get what I want." He replied. I tried ripping my arm out of his grip, but he just tightened his hand with my struggle. "Nah ah, you're not going anywhere."

"Let go of me!" I screamed, catching my family's attention. Simon, Helena, Belle, Niall, and Zayn, rushed over to me when they heard my shout.

"David! Let her go right now!" A demanding voice boomed. I looked up at the unfamiliar voice, and a blonde haired and blue eyed man, stared violently at the disgusting man. Our eyes met briefly, and I gasped. He had the same eyes as my mother, the same eyes as me.

I began to struggle again, and David's beady eyes began to shift uneasily. "Do what he says brother." Simon said sternly.

"Fine, here's your precious princess." David said realising me, and shoving me forcefully away from him. I stumbled a little but the blue eyed man caught me.

I looked up at him, curiously. "Who are you-...wait a second!" I said whipping around to face David again. "Whoa, whoa, whoa...he's your brother?" I said looking between Simon and David. The two looked nothing alike. "Did your face get flattened by a horse when you were a baby, because you and Simon share no resemblance whatsoever?"

David snarled at me, and I gave him a cocky smirk. My brothers laughed at my comment, and I even managed to get a smirk out of Belle. "Yes David is my brother, and he wasn't invited to tonight's event." Simon said, his eyes narrowing to slits. "Why are you here David?"

A smile came across his face. "I couldn't miss the opportunity to meet your lovely, yet surprisingly single, daughter, now could I?" he said slyly, his eyes not leaving me.

"That's it!" Simon yelled. I jumped, a little, with shock. I had never heard Simon raise his voice at anybody before. "I do not like the way you are talking to my daughter, you are in no position to be even speaking to her. Guards, show him out!" Simon said flustered.

I watched in shock as two guards grabbed hold of David, and he struggled, in protest, against them. "You can't do this to me Simon, I'm a King." He yelled, enraged.

"No you never were, and you never will be." Simon said correcting him. "Take him to the cells. I'll deal with him later." Simon continued, dismissing the guards. David laughed evilly as he was dragged out of the ballroom. His gaze held mine, and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. This won't be the last time I heard of David Cowell.

Simon hugged me to him, and I hugged him back. I felt safe in his arms, and he kissed the top of my head protectively. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, darling." He whispered into my hair.

"It's ok, I'm just too irresistible. That's why everybody loves me." I said trying to sound smug, but I was terrified on the inside. Simon laughed and it sent vibrations through his chest. He patted my back, and I released him from the hug, putting on forced smile. Simon walked off to talk to Belle, and the blue eyed man, and Zayn and Niall came up to me.

The two of them hugged me, and asked if I was alright. I nodded, reassuring them, and we walked off through the crowd. I was good at lying, I chose to call it selective acting. The three of us ended up at the refreshments table, and the two boys fought over the last orange juice. I rolled my eyes, amused by their childishness, and my eyes landed on Liam, sitting at a table by himself, with a sad look on his face, and staring into the crowd sadly. "Hey guy's, I'll be right back." I said to Niall and Zayn, but they completely ignored me, continuing with their bicker.

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