Part 56

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The next day when I woke up I had a really awful headache, but I couldn't remember anything from last night !!! The only thing I remember was eating the chocolates Blaise gave me and one more thing, but- !!! Those chocolates made me have the weirdest dreams ever, there is no way that Draco would come to my dorm in the middle of the night !!! Those chocolates were truly something else !!! I thought while going to the Great Hall !!! I sat at my table and Hermione looked at me with worried !!! What the hell was going on?

Y/n: What's going on? What's up?

I asked and she sighed 

Hermione: Do you remember anything from last night? Anything that happened?

Y/n: The last thing I remember was eating the chocolates Blaise gave me !!! They were delicious btw !!! I can't remember anything else 

Hermione: Anything?

Y/n: Well, there is something, but I am pretty sure I was dreaming 

I said, and she looked at Ginny and they both looked at me worried again

Ginny: Well Y/n there is something you need to know  

Y/n: What?

I said drinking my cup of tea

Hermione: If your dream included your Slytherin ex-boyfriend carrying you to bed and then lying down with you !!! Well it was true 

She said, and I burnt my tongue while drinking my tea 

Y/n: What?

I said, and then they told me everything that happened !!! I was in shock !!! How could Blaise do something like that? I thought he was my friend !!! I got up, took my wand and I followed Blaise heading out of the Great Hall !!! Hermione and Ginny got up with me and followed me !!! When I found Blaise, I pointed my wand against his throat and pushed him against the wall, and he looked confused !!!

Blaise: Y/n what are-

Y/n: You gave me a love potion? Are you crazy? Haven't you read in the book that it says that people lose their minds because of it, that's why it's dangerous!!! I thought we were friends  

Blaise: We were friends until I realized how much I liked you Y/n!!! But of course, you would never fall in love with me, and I get it now !!! You love Draco and you always will, even when he will keep you at a distance or even when he will be married to someone else!!! It hurts but I get it 

He said and I lowered my wand 

Y/n: I am sorry 

I said with a low voice looking at the floor 

Blaise: It's okay !!! We can still be friends, right?

He said, and I nodded looking at the floor, and then he left !!! I couldn't believe it !!! One of my best friends was in love with me all this time and I hurt him !!! I never wanted to hurt him !!! I never wanted to hurt anyone in this life !!! Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me snap out of my thoughts !!! I looked at my sister who had a gentle smile on her face and then we both walked back to the great hall !!! The same day was also Slughorn's small party, which came out to be really boring actually !!! I was going back to my common room because I wanted to talk to Ginny after I saw her puffy eyes at the party and ask her what was going on, until I bumped into someone !!! I had dressed well tonight but casually at the same time !!! I was wearing a white shirt with a black vest and black jeans that I borrowed from Ginny !!! I had my hair down and also Hermione insisted on putting some makeup on me, to which I eventually agreed !!! I looked up, and I saw these beautiful grey eyes staring down at me !!! But I snapped out of it !!! I looked at the floor and began walking away when he took my arm 

Draco: Please Y/n let me show you something, and then we can go back to strangers

He said and I looked at him !!! I wanted so badly to tell him to let me go and leave, but my heart made me follow him !!! We both went to the astronomy tower !!!  Then he closed the door and made light with his wand, and then I saw written on the wooden door our initials on it !!! I looked at him 

Draco: I wrote this in the first year on Christmas break !!! That year we both didn't go home for the holidays, and it was after you wished me Merry Christmas


I was walking to the Great Hall when I bumped into someone and fell to the floor !!! I looked up and saw Malfoy furious, ready to yell at the person who made him fall to the ground, but his eyes relaxed when he saw me !!! He stood up and help me get up

Y/n: Thanks 

I said, and he looked at the floor !!! I began to walk away before I turned to him !!! Everyone has kindness in their hearts, even the Slytherin !!! I had wished for plenty of them today, and after he helped me I believe that he deserves it too !!! 

Y/n: Merry Christmas Malfoy 

I said, and he turned to me surprised before I leave


Draco: That was the day when I realised that I was falling for you !!! That was also the day that I decided that I would be awful to you because I didn't want to disappoint my parents 

I looked at him and I noticed tears in his eyes, but he wiped them quickly

Draco: What happened last night doesn't mean is going to change anything, neither what happened today !!! 

Y/n: I need an explanation Draco on why did you leave me, and why are you doing this?

Draco: You won't understand 

Y/n: That's what you tell me every single time !!! I thought you still loved me after what you did last night 

Draco: I do love you Y/n 

Y/n: Then why did you leave me?

I said with tears in my eyes 

Draco: I had no choice, Y/n !!! It's better for us to be away from each other 

Y/n: Why?

I said with my tears already going down my cheeks, but he didn't answer, and he just looked on the floor 

Y/n: You have no right, after you broke up to me, to come back to my life and say that you love me if you don't mean it, Draco!!! Because if you truly meant it, then you would have never left me !!! Also, you wouldn't have made out with Greengrass if you loved me 

I said and he looked on the floor 

Draco: I am doing this to protect you 

Y/n: From what?

I said and he didn't answer again 

Y/n: You know what, Draco? I am tired waiting for you !!! !!! I have waited, telling myself that you didn't mean anything you told me last year and everything is going to be normal again !!! But I got tired of it-

Before I could be able to finish my sentence, he pulled me into a kiss after so long !!! It felt like centuries since the last time my lips met his !!! When I pulled away, I could see tears in his eyes, and then he put his hand on my cheek rubbing it gently and with the other he wiped my tears 

Draco: I am so sorry love, but you will have to wait a little longer 

He said and kissed my forehead before he left 

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