Part 33

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The next day after classes I was sitting in a window who had a view to the yard !!!! Curfew was an hour away, so everyone preferred to stay indoors, but as usual I prefer the peace and quiet of the nature than the loud music and voices of the Gryffindor Common room !!! I was sitting reading my book when someone came and hugged me from behind !!! It was Draco, I would recognize his smell from miles away !!! I loved the mix of green apples and mint !!! It was literally my favourite !!!

Draco: What are you doing all here by yourself?

Y/n: Studying 

Draco: Really?

He said and rested his back on the wall while I rested my head in his chest reading my book and his arms around me !!!

Y/n: Yeah, I love the peace and quiet of the nature !!! It calms me 

I said, and then we heard a strange noise and when we stood up and followed it we saw Flinch in a stair putting something on the wall, and it said that Umbridge has been appointed as a high inquisitor at Hogwarts !!! I looked at it in horror because that meant that if Umbridge had a high position I think that she is capable of even destroying the school!!!!

Y/n: Sorry I have to go 

I said to Draco and gave him a quick kiss because no one was there and ran to the Gryffindor common room where I found Harry, Hermione and my brother sitting!!!

Y/n: Umbridge has a higher position at this school and can do whatever she can 

I said and the three of them looked at me in horror 

Harry: What?

Y/n: Yeah Flinch, just put the announcement in the wall 

I said, and all four of us run outside the Great Hall wall !!! 

Ron: This is going to be a nightmare 

He said, and he was right !!! The next two months were more terrible than a nightmare !!! Umbridge was putting new rules every day and was testing all the teachers !!! She was doing our school!!! Draco and I were more careful when we were out because Umbridge was watching everyone like a hawk, and we couldn't even go to the bathroom without her appear in front of us !!! I was walking towards the girl bathrooms when I noticed Draco from behind me following me and because I was in a good mood I decided to mess with him a little, so I entered the first storage room I found and locked the door behind me when he came and tried to open he couldn't, so he just knocked !!!

Draco: Y/n I just saw you walk in, open the door

Y/n: What do you want her ? She is busy !!

I said !!! I had changed my voice with a spell to sound more deep and remind a man's voice !!! I heard him scoffed !!!

Draco: Y/n come on, it's not funny 

Y/n: Leave my girl alone, she can't talk to you right now, she is busy

Draco: Your girl? I am her boyfriend, you asshole 

Y/n: Really? She never told me that she has a boyfriend!!!

Draco: What?

He said, and I opened my door still with my manly voice laughing !!! After a few seconds it turned back to my laugher and Draco just rolled his eyes !!!

Draco: I hate you 

He said and put his hand on my waist and pull me closer 

Y/n: What happened to girls and boys have to stay 8 centimetres apart ?

I said and put my hands our his shoulder 

Draco: Will I get detention because I broke that rule ?

Y/n: I don't know, but I will need payment 

I said, and he kissed me and I kissed him back, but then we heard someone clearing his throat, and when we saw it was Umbridge we got away a little from each other !!!

Umbridge: Miss Weasley Mister Malfoy, don't forget the rules!!! Boys and girls must be apart 8 centimetres away from each other 

She said with a smirk and then with a flick of her wand Draco and I move away from each other from over a one metre, and she left !!! Oh, Merlin! I told you she appears everywhere !!! Now that she knows that Draco and I are a something, we have to be more careful !!! I don't want anyone to find out 

Draco: Merlin she is everywhere

Y/n: I know right, but we have to be more careful from now on 

Draco: Yeah !!! See you later beautiful

He said and gave me a kiss before he left, and I smiled at him !!! Then I went to the library to study, and I found Hermione already there siting, so I went to her !!!

Y/n: I swear Umbridge is everywhere and watching us like a hawk 

Hermione: Why, what happened ?

She said, and I sat next to her and then turned to her and whispered !!!

Y/n: She caught me and Draco making out

I said and put my hand on my palm 

Hermione: Merlin, you guys have to be more careful if you want to keep it a secret from everyone 

Y/n: I know 

Hello guys, how are you all doing ? I hope you are all okay !!! Today I started school, and it went quite well I have to say !!! I really like it !!! Tomorrow I have only four hours lesson and that's amazing !!! I hope you all have an amazing say !!!

See you soon, 


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