Part 15

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Time passed and the first day of fourth year came, and I was rather excited and happy to see familiar faces!!! But I wasn't happy at all to see the familiar, annoying ones !!! I was walking on the train with a book in my hands reading it and my back bag in my other hand trying to find my friends because I entered last on the train !!! While I was walking, I heard a familiar voice calling my name, and it was Blaise sitting on a table with Draco and Pansy and I smiled at him !!! I closed my book and went to him!!!

Blaise: Look at her school didn't even start, and she is reading again !!! Hey Y/n how was your summer??

I laughed and then smiled

Y/n: It was really interesting thank you!!! How about yours???

Blaise: It was fine 

He smiled, and then I heard another familiar voice calling my name !!!


Cedric yelled, and he was sitting with his friends some seats away from them, I waved at him and I felt my cheeks burning !!! I heard Blaise laughing !!!

Blaise: Well, look at that red tomato !!!

Y/n: Oh, not you too, I got tired !!! See you at school!!!

I said and waved at him while I felt Draco's eyes burning on my skin, but I ignored them and went to Cedric!!! While he was introducing me to his friends, I overheard the conversation Blaise had with his friends!!!

Pansy: Bet he will get bored of her in a month !!!

Blaise: I don't think so !! He seems to liker her !!!Draco mate, are you okay???

He said, and I saw Draco glaring between me and Cedric, and then he turned to his friends !!!

Draco: Yeah, I am fine 

When we arrived at the castle, I went and wore my Gryffindor uniform and while I was walking to the Great Hall with Hermione we saw all the kids gathered in one place looking at the sky !!! I turned to Neville, who was already there !!!

Y/n: Hey Nev, what is happening ???

Neville: Look

He said and showed to me the sky and I saw a beautiful carage with six beautiful white horses with wings coming towards our school!!!

Y/n: Well, that's something you don't see every day 

I said to Hermione with a smile and she nodded

Hermione: Y/n look

And then a huge ship came out of the sea, and it was amazing !!! Later, we all went to the Great Hall and I sat at a table with my friends, and I was between Ginny and Neville !!! While Dumbledore began his long boring speech !!!

Dumbledore:Now we are all settled and shorted, I would like to make an announcement !!! This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well !!! You see, Hogwarts has been chosen !!!

And then Flinch started running towards Dumbledore, and he whispered something in his ear, and then he started running towards the exit again and everyone started laughing at him !!!

Dumbledore: So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament !!!

I have heard about this event before from my parents, and they told me that it's the most dangerous event that you can participate in!!! You can lose your life in those tasks!!!It's really dangerous !!!

Dumbledore: Now for those who don't know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests !!! For each school, a single student is selected to compete!!! Let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone !!! And trust me when I say these contents are not for the faint-hearted!!! But more of that later !!!

While he was speaking, I felt someone's eyes burning on my back and when I turned behind I saw Malfoy staring at me but when he saw me looking at him, he turned his attention to the headmaster and I just rolled my eyes and looked back at Dumbledore!!! 

Dumbledore: For now, please enjoy me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime!!!  

When he finished, the doors opened and girls in blue uniforms entered the room and started doing something with their hands and then butterflies appeared !!! When their head misters entered, she was clearly the tallest woman I have seen !!!

Y/n: That is literally the tallest woman I have ever seen 

I said to Ginny, and she nodded back at me !!!

Ginny: Same 

Dumbledore: And now our friends from the north !!! Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster, Igor Karkaroff!!

He said, and handsome man started walking in with their sticks hitting them on the floor and Ginny turned to me !!!

Ginny: Let's play one two three get a husband 

I nodded and she said

Ginny: One 

She said and I nodded negatively 

Ginny: Two 

I did the same 

Ginny: Three

And then Victor Krum walked in with his headmaster, and I said in excitement 

Y/n: Yes, I will see you at my wedding 

I said, and I shook hands with her and we both laughed !!!

Blaise: What are you two doing???

We both looked behind, and it was Blaise laughing at us !!! Next to him was Malfoy and opposite of him was Parkinson !!!!

Y/n: Looking for my future husband

I said with a smile and Blaise laughed, and I noticed Malfoy rolling his eyes!!!

Blaise: Who is the lucky man???

Ginny: Victor Krum

Y/n: Don't worry, I will invite you to my wedding !!!

Blaise: Thank you, but I thought that Diggory was the one since you blushed when he called you on the train

Ginny turned to me with a shocked expression on her face !!!

Ginny: This is why you disappeared in the whole trip, and you didn't tell me !!! Ouch, sister !!! Hermione and I told you he is interested in you !!!

Y/n: No, he is not 

Ginny: Yeah, then why was he flirting with you the whole trip to the Quidditch world cup ?? Nice book of choice Y/n, see you at the match Y/n, can I borrow your book Y/n!!!! You even let him vandalize your book, and you don't even let me touch your books!!! That is clearly not Y/n Weasley !!! Love can change people, dear sis !!!

Y/n: That's not true, and I don't like him 

Ginny: Yeah, that's why you look like a red tomato right now

She said, and I crossed my hands, but then Dumbledore cut us by continuing his conversation !!!!

Hello guys, how are you all doing ??? I hope you are all fine !!! Tell me your opinions about Cedric in the comments !!! I hope you all have an amazing day !!!

See you soon,

Emily <3

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