Part 9

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Dear Mother and father,

I am writing this letter to inform you about something Professor Trelawney said in divination class today and after a long talk I had with my siblings, Percy said it will the best to let you know !!! Today Ron and I were in divination and in the lesson we were reading our cups and when it was my turn Professor said that my cup is saying that death is coming for me, and then she said the words' lover, promise and that I will have blood curse !!! We actually didn't find out what she meant by those words!!! But we thought it will be the best to inform you !!! That's all what I wanted to say !!! I hope you are both okay, and we all love you both so much !!!

Yours faithfully,


The same evening, I stayed with my siblings in our common room to write a letter to my parents about what Professor Trelawney said !!! Actually, it was Percy's idea about the letter because I didn't want to worry our parents, but he said that if there is any truth to the words the Professor said our parents need to know, and we have to find out !!! I went to the window where Aurora was sitting and gave her the letter !!!

Y/n: To my parents and when you will come back, I give you a treat

I smiled at her and then when she left I watched her fly in the sky with a smile on my face !!! But Ginny talked her voice was weak she was looking on the floor with tears in her eyes!!!

Ginny: Do you think that the professor was right ???

I sighed and I turned to them !!!

Y/n: I don't kno-

Before I finished, Ron cut me and stood up at the same time !!!

Ron: She was wrong !!! She was talking bullshit !!! Y/n you are healthy, you are okay !!! No one in our family had blood curse !!!

He said, coming towards me

Percy: No, but only a really powerful wizard can pass something like that to someone you know !!! It's only a spell and a few people know it, there's no cure!!! It's more specific a dark magic, a curse!!! We learn about it in Defense Against the dark Arts yesterday !!! It is more dangerous than the simple version !!!

Ron: She won't get the blood curse on our watch !!! I will never stay away from you from now on!!!

George stood up and came and hugged me 

George: He is right

Then Fred and Percy came and joined the hug with Ron

Fred: Yeah, they are right !!! 

Ginny: I want to join the family hug too 

She said, and we opened our arms, and we all hugged !!! They are my family, they are my home !!!

The next week I tried to forget everything that is happening and focus on my studies and my friends and I did really well!!! My siblings did as they said and never left my side !!! They even followed me to the bathroom !!! Malfoy stopped making fun of me because when he tried once, Percy and Fred almost kill him and I have to say it was really fun to watch !!! Today we were sitting in the Great Hall eating lunch when my mom, my dad, Charles, and Bill entered the Great Hall, and it took me by surprise I mean what they were doing here ??? I looked at them in surprise and confusion, and so did the others !!!

Y/n: Mom?

Ron: Dad?

Fred: Bill?

Ginny: Charles??

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