Part 50

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The next day, I was walking with Hermione toward the potion's classroom while I was reading a book !!! When we entered, a strong smell of Malfoy's perfume and green apples came to me !!! God, how much perfume he wore today !!! I thought while going to sit with Hermione at our desk !!! Draco and I made eye contact for a couple of seconds, and then I quickly look away !!!! Because I was scared that I will get lost staring at him like I did yesterday at dinner and I didn't want to look like I still loved him because I did !!! Then Blaise came to us !!! The Professor hadn't come yet because we had come early 

Blaise: Y/n I swear two minutes ago when I came I was smelling your perfume from all over the place, but you were nowhere to be found 

Y/n: Weird 

I said and continued reading my book when Professor Slughorn entered 

Slughorn: Come on everyone and let's see what these wonderful potions are 

He said and everyone went around the table which had 3 different kinds of potions!!! Before he was able to continue his sentence, my brother and Harry entered !!! Then he turned to them with a smile 

Slughorn: Harry, my boy !!! I was becoming to worry !!! You brought company, I see?

Ron: Ron Weasley, sir

He said, and then I heard a giggle from a girl next to me !!! When I turned, it was Lavender !!! I just stared at her with a confused look!!!

Ron: But I suck at potions, so I better get going 

He went to leave, but Harry stopped him

Slughorn: Nonsense, any friend of Harry's is mine too!!! Come on, take out your books

Harry: Sorry sir, but I haven't taken mine yet !!! Neither did Ron

Slughorn: It's okay !!! Go and take one from the cupboard

He said and then he turned to us again

Slughorn: Any idea what these maybe?

He said, and I raised my hand as Hermione did !!! 

Slughorn: Yes miss

He said looking at Hermione 

Hermione: Granger sir

She said going towards the potion

Hermione: That one is Veritaserum!!! It's a truth-telling potion 

When she went to go to the other, he stopped her 

Slughorn: Please let the other Miss-

He said and looked my way

Y/n: Weasley sir

Slughorn: You and the other Weasley are-

Y/n: Twins

I said and he smiled

Slughorn: Please tell us what the other potion is 

He said and I nodded with a smile 

Y/n: This is Amortenia, sir!!! The most powerful love potion in the world!!! It's rumored that it smells different to every person according to what attracts them 

Slughorn: Oh yes !!! So I want everyone to make a small line and tell us what they smell, starting with Miss Weasley 

He said, and my eyes widened while Hermione giggled with a smirk on her face !!! I glared at her, and then I smell it !!! Oh, I knew that smell pretty well !!! 

Y/n: Green apples and mint 

I whispered only for a few people to hear and of course one of them was Draco !!!  When I said it he looked at me, but I quickly went to the back of the line, and then it was some other kids before it was Draco's !!! He hesitated for a minute, but then he did smell it 

Draco: I can smell flowers, more specifically tulips!!! It may sound weird, but I can smell the pages of the books and chocolate

He said and turned to me, but I looked away !!! Was that a sign that he still loved me? Nah, I am just overthinking it !!! He said that he didn't !!! What if he didn't mean it !!! Then it was Blaise's turn, and he said something that shocked me

Blaise: Weird because I can smell the exact same things as you mate

He said and looked at Draco before he turned to the potion again 

Blaise: Maybe that thing is broken or something 

What? How is that even possible? Then his eyes widen, and he looked like he realized something, and he looked at the floor before he went to his friends !!! Draco was just glaring at him !!! What was that all about? Then Professor Slughorn went and took the third potion, which was in a small bottle 

Y/n: Is that Felix Felicius?

I whispered while looking at the Professor, and he seemed to hear me because he smiled and said 

Slughorn: Yes miss Weasley, that is Felix Felicius or Liquid of Luck!!! Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong !!! One sip, and you will find that all of your endeavours succeed !!! At least until the effect wears off!!! So this is what I offer each of you today!!! One tiny vial of liquid of luck to the student who in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable Draught of living dead !!! Recipes of each you will be found of pages 10 of your books!!!

He said, and everyone hurried to go to their tables !!! I was struggling for the next 25 minutes to make it right, but something was completely wrong with the recipe !!! My hair was a mess and the only one who seemed to be fine was Harry !!! He also had a huge smile on his face while he was making it, which was pretty weird !!! I looked at him and saw that he was making the potion exact what Slughorn said he needed !!! But how? The students were pretty confused when Harry won that small competition and not me or Hermione !!! Which was really but really weird, but I was happy for my best friend !!! While I was walking out of the classroom, Lavender approach me with a smile 

Lavender: Hi Y/n !! I want to talk to you for a minute 

She said, and I put my book in my bag and looked at her with a confused look   

Lavender: Well I was thinking if you would say a word for me to your brother 

Y/n: Ron?

I said, and she nodded with a smile !!!

Y/n: I am sorry, but I can't do that, I mean he is my brother !!! If you want to go and talk to him yourself 

I lied because I knew that Hermione always had feelings for him and I also knew that my stubborn brother liked her too, and I didn't want a third person to destroy their friendship or love for each other !!! Lavender looked at me furiously and said 

Lavender: Well if you loved your brother then you would have liked for him to be with someone that loves him 

Then she left furious, and I just looked at her leaving confused !!! That girl was crazy 

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