Home Sweet Home

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Clinking and clanking chimed throughout the area as a giant metal frame in a large yet abysmal hole kept vibrating and humming against the hole's walls in a child-like excitement as it watched its creator refine and mix materials in the air like putting on a show as the materials dance and spin above her. The sentient metal frame finds it difficult to rein in its excitement as it shakes in anticipation because soon enough, it will become what its creator intended it to be.

Tessa focused on the task in front of her, she didn't seem bothered by the noise around her, but if you looked closely, a very noticeable grin graced her lips. The truth of the matter is Tessa's focus is split between two things: Her task and the excited noises the big guy was making. The big guy was too adorable! The vibrations began ever since she started.

The materials in front of her float around with a rhythm that seemed chaotic at first glance. But in truth, it's a mesmerizing dance that flowed naturally with the elements. Tessa moves her body along, showing great degrees of flexibility, dexterity, and coordination.

Beautiful hues of blacks, blues, pinks, greens, and purples dance in the air. The materials shine with different degrees of brightness as they mix and twirl around each other in a flowing spiral filled with intricate loops and turns. Glistening under her power and control, the materials seemed to mix and dance to her command in complete harmony.

Soon enough the dance ended and a large globe of liquid floated above her. Surprisingly enough though, it became a pristine white that glittered under the lights of the underground. The sound of chimes began to ring out from the giant orb.

A synergy link erupted between the sentient framework and the pristine white globe. Like a whirlpool through a funnel, the giant white globe is being rapidly sucked in by the sentient framework, fusing with it without leaving any gaps in between. Walls, floors, stairs, and beams began to form from the fusion. Condensing, smoothening, and refining itself into its intended form swiftly yet steadily. Symbols of runes popping up in key positions interchanging their orders accordingly.

Tessa continued to dance as her new home is reaching it's finale. The moment the bunker reaches completion, a soft sound wind chimes chimed throughout the area. Tessa stopped her dance and walked up to the bunker. She slowly knelt down with her hand slowly gliding across its smooth surface, a soft vibration could be felt beneath her fingertips.

"Hey big guy, are you happy that your finally built?" She says softly as she felt another soft vibration beneath her fingers. She giggled at the happiness the bunker is giving off through it's vibrations. "Well, big guy, I still need to do some decorating, furnishing, and a few other things before your considered complete. I'm going to get started on making some tiles, alright?" She spoke to the sentient bunker softly.

"Whelp, things aren't gonna build themselves, so I better get to it then." She says with an excited look on her face.

Meanwhile at quaint little house in Snowdin...

Two figures were seen in a living room with one of them sitting on a worn and torn green couch contemplating while looking at the two pouches and the still unopened letter on the coffee table where the television stands. On the other hand the other figure was pacing in circles while mumbling loudly because he too contemplates the entire situation their in.

The one on the couch is Sans and the one pacing is Papyrus, they had been like that ever since "Emlyn" disappeared on them while they weren't looking, but at the spot where Emlyn once stood were a couple of pouches and a letter. They brought those items over to their home but never looked inside the pouches or even read what was inside the letter. They were both unsure if it was safe to open the letter or look inside the pouches, after all, they've only just met Emlyn a couple of hours ago and interacted with him for even less.

"Paps, I'll take the risk. Before you say anything, remember what we've talked about earlier? If you do, then remember the feeling of connection you talked to me about earlier today and tell me, did you feel a connection with Emlyn earlier and did it felt like the same connection you felt this morning when you were working on your puzzles?" Sans ask as he gazes into his brother's sockets. He sees his brother's sockets slowly widen in realization, making his assumptions correct. Despite Emlyn's eyes looking different from what Papyrus saw when he was re-calibrating his puzzles, there is no way to fool the connection that was felt, especially if the said connection was unique due to aura the other had that could not be replicated by any means.

"Sans... I Understand But I Will Not Agree To You Doing It Alone. Despite All Of What You've Told Me About Different Types Of Connections One May Experience As You Say, There Is No Harm In Being Cautious. And...I Also Know You Felt A Connection With Emlyn, Just Like I do... So It's Fair If We Both Open the Pouches And Do So With Care."Papyrus says in the most calmest manner that Sans had ever seen from him. It seems like Sans kept getting more surprises today than he did in his life.

"...Alright Paps, we'll open the pouches together, as for the letter just leave it to me. There might be something in the pouches we don't know about, and the letter might have some info on what they may contain. So Papyrus, I'll open the letter first to see what's inside and I'll read the content to you after I see if it's safe, got it?" Sans looked at his brother in the sockets as he said this with a non-compromising tone. Sans was being both strict and sly in more ways than one.

Papyrus had a look of reluctance on his face, but the look that his older yet shorter brother was giving him made him cave. He sighs before nodding to Sans for him to proceed. Internally he finds it both logical and unfair that his older brother gets to read the letter first. He proceeds to head over to the couch and sit on the other end as he listens to his brother read the letter's contents out loud.

"Dear Sans and Papyrus,

You may be wondering why I suddenly disappeared abruptly after you both helped me get away from those rabid women. Well, I may or may not have left certain unprocessed materials that weren't supposed to be exposed to oxygen for too long... You can say if I left any later, things may turn catastrophic, to say the least, especially with how destructive and unstable the material is if left in its unprocessed state. In truth, I did not expect to be out for that long, but things went awry the moment those females caught a glimpse of me. Those women were very relentless in their pursuit. I really thought I might get kidnapped or something, and those three dark hours made me question life quite a bit. It's such a shame that I couldn't stay with you for much longer; I really liked talking to you guys.

 Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk. I'll just wrap this up by telling you what's in those pouches of yours. Each pouch contains 20 top-grade mana crystals. And what are mana crystals, you may ask? Well, mana crystals are the crystallization of concentrated mana, or what the residents of this world call magic. Mana crystals are divided by types, affinity, attributes, and grade, with top grade being the best among normal mana crystals. They are known to be completely pure in energy and extremely vibrant in color.

Well, that's all I have to say. Since, like I said earlier, my time was limited, but I do hope to see you both again soon.

Yours Truly,
Emlyn Puck."

The room was filled with silence as the brothers looked at each other in surprise. The two of them had not expected that Emlyn's disappearance was due to something like that. It made the brothers wonder what sort of things the adolescent alien does in the comfort of his home.

Sans began to think about the possibilities, especially since what Emlyn wrote about why he suddenly disappeared could be validated by the Mana crystals gifted by him. With that, Sans opened one of the pouches and saw the glowing crystals that emitted so much magic, unlike anything he had seen before in the underground.

"Bro, it seems like we'll need to go to Hotland."


"We have crystals to be examined, and I just know who can."


"Our little dino friend, Alphys."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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