Disguise and Day Dreams

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Snowflakes drift with the whistling wind alongside the sound of snow crunching under the weight of feet treading through the white powder of ice that's quite apparent in this snow-filled landscape. A short figure wearing blue stood out quite noticeably, pacing around on the blanket of snow. The figure was a male, about 4'5 feet tall, and looked relatively calm and collected as he spoke to someone on his phone. His voice is a smooth baritone, low and enticing but at the same time relaxed and inviting.

Sans was calling his brother to tell him that he was going to Grillby's for his break and to have a chat with the fire elemental. He was waiting for his brother's usual loud response, but all he got was silence coming from the other end. Concerned, Sans tried using a pun to see if he could get a retort out of his brother.

"Hey Paps, were you diagnosed with 'Mime' disease? because you seem kinda 'Speechless' at the moment." I said, waiting for my Lil Bro's response, and I did get one, but he did not react like he usually did when I hatch a pun.

"Sans... can we talk later? I have a lot on my mind right now. I don't want to listen to any of your horrible puns at the moment. You can go to Grillby's since I will be staying at Undyne's for a while to discuss some things." My Bro said, not sounding like his usual loud self, sounding shy even. It's getting me curious, and tibia honest, my Bro seems really out of it. He doesn't appear to be upset but does sound slightly flustered.

It's the first time I've heard him sound this way. What got him all flustered? that's the question I'm asking myself. "Pap, you alright? Do you need to get your 'lungs' checked because it sounds like someone stole your 'breath' away?" "SANS!!!" " There's the brother I know and love. But seriously, Papyrus, what's got you like this?" I asked on the phone.

I waited for his answer, it took a couple of minutes, but he eventually gave one. "Sans... I think no, I-I don't know what I'm feeling right now. Sans, my soul felt something earlier, a pull from the very core of my soul. It was when I was recalibrating one of my puzzles, the Electric Maze, to be precise.

My soul felt a presence. I felt safe, comfortable, and... whole around them. Sans, I felt my soul panic at the time when I felt their intention to leave. I quickly stood up only to see the most beautiful eyes that I had ever seen. I felt frozen as I watched their beautiful eyes disappear into the shadows in front of me. I don't think they even know that I saw their eyes, as their eyes were already looking elsewhere when I quickly stood up to stop them." Papyrus said over the phone.

Sans became silent after hearing what his brother said. Feeling a pull within their soul was considered a VERY scarce phenomenon. There were only two or three cases of such phenomenon happening throughout history. But there was a difference, however. Almost all previous instances were those depicted in a negative light, described as a sense of dread perceived from the very depth of your soul, one that meant death is upon you and those around you, a pull of warning. On the other hand, Sans' Lil Bro Papyrus seems to be feeling a tug of connection, one that's positive that brings about the feeling of wholeness, comfort, and safety. There was only one such instance where such a pull happened in history, it was thousands of years before the war.

It signified happiness and what's more, a change in fate. It's a connection that one must never turn a blind eye to, no matter what obstacles one may encounter. Something like this can easily slip from your grasp if you aren't careful, so the only option is to hold on firmly and never let go.

Sans sighed as he remembered having felt the same phenomenon earlier today, back near the door to the ruins. He faintly felt being watched. The sensation didn't feel unpleasant in any way. It was quite a calming feeling, at the very least. The feeling kept surfacing from his mind after he left. He came back to the door, trying to search for that feeling again as it made him unable to focus on his jobs, but the presence completely disappeared. He wanted to head to Grillby's to ask for some advice from the elemental, and it seems Papyrus had a similar idea.

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