chapter(5) i was here first

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"JEN, JEN . . . Jennifer are you, there, answer me please? I call a little louder this time. Still no answer.

I tip toe more into the house, i stood close by the entrance scared out of my mind of all the bad thoughts i conceived that generate in my head of what could be the reason jen isn't t answering.

I scan to my left than right every furniture's  was covered in plastic. chairs, tables, a few china cabinets that hold all the special silver ware parents don't want their kids to touch. Even a small silver chandelier hanging from the ciclin. That was swinging, a bit.

This house seem fit for a rich elderly person i have that vibe about this house. Because the combinations was outdated, to me.

Maybe some people might fancy cream, dark green, and dark red, plus silver lots of silver colors, the walls was covened in.

I look no more of how everything appeared, worry full me again. I move through the house swifily in a calm manner hoping nothing wrong, hoping jen was okay.

I did not go upstairs, yet i wanted to check the bottom half first. When i get into a huge hallway to my left i noticed way down a shadow.

A human shadow, clutching my shirt with both hands, a habit. I made my way there very slowly every step closer my heart pounds in my chest louder, louder, LOUDER.

Praying in my mind that this was jen, it was i breath a long hard sign of relief.

I want to be mad, peeve, furious with rage but she was just standing there not moving or talking. And from what i can tell staring at something or someone.

I rise a brow then walk up to her to find out what going on. "Hey jen what the hey i said a little furiously along with concerned, "why were you not answering me?, "i literally shout out you name and i told you to wait bef!...

I stopped talking because the look in her eyes told me all i needed to know. I saw a spark, gleam and a twinkle in her eyes. "oh no not this again" I turned to who she was obvious observing another figure greets me, a boy.


It happen on the second week in our first year our first month of middle school. Jen skip a grade. She is smarter then me, I was above average. So I wasn't surprise we came from the same primary school, the same district, the same streets like alot of the students in this school (George grent middle school).

I hang out with no one else but Jen, I don't want to hang out with anybody else.

There standing in the doorway of our first class of the day(English). Apparently a boy who was very skinny (no muscle yet) with brown curly, light brown eyes. He wear jeans with holes with a multity calculus t-shirt that make no sense to me.

I guess he looks, like what some girls would call cute and appealing. But I don't care about boys in that way, in general. Yet. I might have to wait until I hit puberty. My mom would say if I noticed any new changes happening to my body was come to her about it.

All my classmates seem to talk about is relationship. Girls talk about boys, makeup, clothes, each other. Boys would talk about girls, sports, and dump stuff. I guess that's the way of the world.

So here was yet another new kid I never really  pay any mind to. I kinda envy new kids in school, because new kids are lucky. In a way.

They don't have to deal with the same  teacher's or walk the same hallways every day. Or sit in the same classrooms or deal with the same kids some you can't stand and some who can't stand you.

And travel around our country experiencing so much at a young age. Meeting new individuals of all ages. That few people in the world get to do, let alone America.

Like me, I hate not being able or allowed to leave my boring state of Texas. In some unknown town. No matter how much I ask or beg and plea to go on a vacation I was turn down.

No money, no money, NO MONEY.

I made my way in class after the new kid. I slipped through rows of desk. Jen was already settled in the back of the room holding my seat for me. While the new kid talks to the teacher who hadn't started class yet.

The bell rang ten minutes ago. I had ask to use the bathroom my teacher said "fine" after giving an annoyed expression. That's how I know.

I have very little knowledge of American schools correct me if seem fit. 😞

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