chapter (2) and so we move

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The next cloudless morning shines light in through the blands in the room. We still borrowed since two weeks ago. I was the first one up like usual. I crawl out of the tent being cautious not to wake jen as my feet moves. Headed down the stairs into the dark reeky basement to get the power back on.

Something no one will volunteer to do first thing in the morning. I feel the vulnerability involved as I increases my steps deeper into the depression unenlightened state. One hand on the left hand side of the wall trails while the other one shackles to my side. The tension move up on me every inch. I was nervously unease why i is feel this way in the morning. I don't know but, what i do know was I'm not, to . . . sacred it was done lots of times by me.

I was the one who pick this house because it was not to big and not to small. And secure enough where nothing can get in . . . we'll nothing suppose to especially in the lowest section of the property etc... the basement one of the most creepiest, terrifying, stir shacken place in any house second to attic.

I make it down safely then ran to the meter box, I flick the switch for the power. The attic lit up it was more efficient to cut all the lights in the house on than turn it all off at once on the meter box less hassle that's the way I feel less chance of getting . . . Found by them.

Some of the home's in this . . . Strange . . . world, seem to have power. Why? there weren't any people to work at a power company. And the mons . . . ters make it hard also. all tho I'm not surprised because of how weird everything is and to be honest the floating fragments of debris was more starterling.

My nerve was still at work as I scan the pathetic state the basement was in it was like a junkyard. Piles of papers, old food wrappers, clothes, what looks like moldy food along with a very unsightly stain on the wall. I was puzzles about it. The left side of the room was covered in it pepper colored' "Looks like it growing" I mumbled feeling a little lightheaded as I stare. after the long stare I run back up finally out safe and secure closing the door behind me.

I bolt up to the upstairs bathroom I always only need 15 minutes to be done.

When I came back to the room jen was up, blinds junk across curiously looking out the window one of jen morning duties so I was not surprised.

"all clear I flatly call out by the door almost done drying my hair. My adventures in cat land shirt was a little soak the same with my faded black shorts.

She pulls her head from the window, turns and shot a scowl at  me, "Yeah". . . Tentatively, nervous as she fidget from one foot to the next, she looks on edge.

"What is it I blurt out becoming afraid I drop the towel I was drying my hair with, "why are you on edge, it's . . . Day time they only comes out at night" I advance promptly to the window I was alert as I poke my head close as I can to the glass looking at every detail outside. After a few moments unsure of what I'm looking for I was about to leave my post when something caught my eyes. I lean back, toke a glance at jen who was standing on the side of me, than down the stairs I go yet again. You have to be athletic, fit in this weird place whether you want to or not in order to survive or a good runner laziness will get you kill and I don't want that for me or jen.

Apone opening the froth door I halt my process to think for a moment. I squeeze my eyes shut ' "why, why, WHY not now" I spoke in an annoyed manner hands sligh through my just washed short strawberry cruly. Then to the door nob which I squeeze as my hand begins to turn white. We been too careless lately, not careful enough intentionally interested with danger not being bothered about the consequences for our actions. Even if we are kids, it was not acceptable here.

last night gone in a different direction . . . If only I didn't gone after that voice. If only I follow the instructions I made with jen the ones we spend hours on to develop to ensure our safety and now . . . we have to move again like last time.

I opened the door my brow lowered as I check out the huge massive clawed mark. embedded deep into the door cavft into a pattern of four you could almost see inside of the house like scooping icecream out of an almost haft empty bowl.

A big gulp trails down my throat a frown take it place on my face. As I stand there shaking and thinking, well i try to I know I have to pull myself together there were just a few hours in a day. If we do not move now it might be to late . . . No time for think just do.

I look one more time at the carved door than at the blood stain mix with that affor violet leading a path to the front door with no more rain to wash it away before i shuts it closed.

I made my way up again just to be stop by jen at the top of the stairs her sky blue eyes stared daggers into mine which was chestnut.

"I finished packing jen stuttered vaguely remembering what to do if a shift in their situation should take a bad turn.

"For me too I ask concerned for us.  how will we make it, will we continue to survival this ordeal, or gave up if we can't find a way back.

"Yeah . . . And maybe I can . . . Pick this time . . . The home, I mean fortress, can I?

I was quietly quiet for a brief silence like it just dawned on me
The seriousness of our problem. The house how much time will it take to find a decent one, and to check it out throughly before dark.

"Ok but . . . It can't take to long remember pick it right, pick it!

"I know Mel I run into the same troubles you face.  So I know I have to pick it right, pick it fast jen replied to Mel firmly as she grips the banister trying not to think to much about their padicument they would have to face if not.

"I . . . Shouldn't keep treating you!

"Like I'm not reliable enough, not strong enough, nor determined either jen said cutting Mel off.

"Yeah. Because I'm the oldest. i suppose to protect you I said firmly chin up.

"So just because I'm the youngest by a year . . . You think I can't protect myself from anything . . . We suppose to be in this together jen said, she was peeve about being treated like she have no clue on how to survive without someone to help her. Which was a little true, but she doesn't want mel to point it out or anyone for that matter.

"I know . . . I care that's why I don't want you getting hurt or worse . . . I made a commitment to myself the day we came out of that closet in a hallway that wasn't our own. It was my fault we play that stupid game to begin with so . . . I, will get you home safe and sound, us both . . . I will hold onto that burden I fiercely cry out not looking at jen as sadness paint over me. feint tears begin to move up on me which I held back by shear will. I don't want to continue this argument, I don't like us arguing, I hate it, I hate being here. I want to go back. I want my mom and dad, for them to tell me it will be okay, and that I'm safe now and welcome home.

I do not want my emotions shown to jen. Because I know she felt the same so not bringing it up won't distract her mind.

She said nothing else to my outburst she just turn than ran back up the hall. A few minutes later jen was back lugging bags strenuously down the stairs. seeing this my mind got unfocused from my thoughts to help. We manage to gather our load some on our backs some in our hands it was hopelessly heavy but we didn't care if we had to struggle with or strien to lug. We need an alternative solution if we can't find a . . . Fortress . . .one that have the necessary gears for our survival.

The Door We Went Through Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ