There's The LaRusso Anger

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I stood in the dojo with Kenny as we practiced together. We were the two fighters for Cobra Kai and we were fighting Sam and Hawk. I still wasn't full recovered from training with Sensei, especially since we've had a bunch more of those sessions, and they were all the same. He'd show me a move, his hands would roam around, he'd show me a move, his hands would roam, and so on. Currently, Kenny was showing me the Silver Bullet he had been taught and I watched from the side.

"And then-" Kenny cut himself off as he punched the bag.

I flinched slightly as a rip appeared in the front of it. I smiled though when he turned to look at me. He walked over to me and we both sat on the mat. "So are you ready to fight your sister?"

"Yeah. I'm totally ready to beat her ass." I said.

But I wasn't. Truth was I didn't even want to fight Sam, but I didn't want to let anyone down. I had my whole dojo to fight for and my Sensei's and Aunt Suzanne. I shuddered at the thought of Silver and his creep smile.

"Alright, Kenny." I sighed. "I guess you should be heading home. I've got something I've got to do."

He nodded skeptically, and I watched until he walked out of sight down the sidewalk, before heading to Sensei's office. When the door opened, Silver looked up and smirked. "I was beginning to think you decided not to come."

I shook my head meekly. "I was practicing with Kenny. I just sent him home."

He nodded and stood, bringing me back to the dojo and I nearly broke down on the spot when I saw yet another statue. Why the hell was he obsessed with me punching these things? Every damn time, it was getting old an annoying. But with these statues, I noticed that there was at least four or five layers of wood and brick.

"When you punch through every last layer, you may leave." Silver said.

This time, without much of a fight, I punched the face, then the chest, then kicked the legs and the arms. Over, and over, and over and over and over again. I slowly felt myself grow angry. Angry at Cobra Kai for ruining my life. Angry at Johnny, Miguel and Hawk for giving up on me. Angry at my dad and Sam for never loving me. Angry at Robby for loving my shit self. Angry at Tory for saying my win had been paid for. Angry at myself for becoming a monster. I punched the statue harder and the first two layers broke with ease.

"There it is," I heard Silver say. "There's the LaRusso anger."

I didn't even acknowledge him, and I kept beating the fucking statue senseless. I began to slip again into a blind rage, and continued to punch and kick. My hands were bloody, and my foot was slowly starting to bleed. I let out a raw scream and it felt like my fist broke through the chest in slow motion. I fell limp on my side with a pitiful cry. It wasn't from any of the psychical pain, but all the damn mental pain.

"Good," Silver said. "Good girl, Athena."

I flinched harshly as he scooped me up and began to carry me to his office, and I knew what was coming next. As he shut the door, all I could think was, how much more can I take?

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