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I stubbed my cigarette out as I made my way into the small corner store, 'Macks'.

An older woman owned it. She was nice, but strict. I was going to meet Jace and Owen there. We all had a lot to catch up on. Rider was staying at my apartment for now. Said he needed some sleep.

The boys and I had been shopping around for a bit, when someone shoved between Jace and I. We both yelled at the person to watch were they were walking. But the person turned around and smirked.

"Well is this a nice surprise." Tilly said looking at all of us. "The old gangs back together again."

"What the hell are you doing here Matilda?" Owen asked stepping in front of Jace and I.

"This is an open store," she said. "It's not just for trash like you."

None of us said anything to her.

"What? Cat got your tongues?"

"No, we just have nothing to say." Jace said.

"Not like you'd be able to comprehend what we were saying." I added.

"Better watch yourself LaRusso." She hissed.

"Can't take it?"

"Don't push me!"

Matilda stepped closer, ready to bound me, and I wasn't backing down. She threw a punch but missed. Before we could do anymore, the lady who owned the store yelled, "Hey! No fighting in the store. You either buy something or get out!"

I glared at Matilda for a moment.

"Come on guys let's just go."

We walked out, Matilda following. I listened to her make snarky comments at us, and about us.

"Hey Matilda!" I called.


"We're not in Macks anymore."

With that, I reeled back and punched her in the nose.

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