Get Out!

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I glared at my dad as he, Sam and mom walked through the door. How dare they come now after not visiting me once.

"Athena!" Mom exclaimed.

She tried to run up and touch my cheek, but I jerked back. I glared at her hand as she stepped back confused.

"Athena are you okay?" Dad asked.

"I'm in the hospital." I retorted.

Dad nodded as Sam looked anywhere but me, Miguel and Hawk.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Athena we're your parents." Mom said. "Sam's your sister."

"You guys don't act like you are." I said coldly.

"Athena," dad started.

"No!" I interrupted. "You had three weeks to come and see me. But you never did. And now you just show up?"

"Athena, we didn't know." Dad tried to tell me.

"Oh yeah right! Sam was there when it happened!"

"Wait Sam you knew?" Mom asked turning to her.

"You didn't tell them?" I snarled.

"I-I forgot." She lied.

"You forgot?" I tried not to yell. "I fell if the balcony three weeks ago! And you forgot? You guys didn't even wonder why I didn't come home for three weeks?"

"We thought you were staying at a friends." Dad mumbled.

I scoffed. I couldn't believe it. Sam never told them I was in the hospital and they were going to let it slide that I didn't come home for three weeks.

"Get out." I muttered.

"Athena," dad began taking a step forward.

"Get out!" I yelled.

Sam flinched back and they slowly walked out leaving me with Miguel and Hawk.

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