Chapter X

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Chapter X - Dancing girl

Edward's Pov
I had taken my escape like usual at such events. While I looked out at the setting sun, basking our garden in orange hue. My mind traveled to the Thomas. I had not expected them to gift my such an significant gift. Usual boys only got these when they were 16, 15 at a push. But they'd given me custom cuff links to a 14 year old. I felt like the man my father wants.

Before my thoughts could wonder further Their daughter had the nerve to say that I was hiding. I was, but who was she to accuse me of such a thing. Even when I said otherwise she continued. In an attempt to be polite and get her of the topic, I'd introduce myself but yet my dislike grew from our discussion. She was such a wisenheimer.

"Are all American boys such a heel?" (Heel m= a Jerk)

I followed her into the room, who did she think she was to suggest such an outrageous assumption about me. I was a perfect son and gentleman. It wasn't my fault that she was such a crackpot. (Crackpot = crazy person with unworkable ideas)

Before I could tell her how horribly wrong she was. I had lost sight of her in the crowd. I had never been so insulted, especially by a girl none the less. Here I thought the British girl would be just as shy and pretty as she had seemed when she gave me the gift.

Upon my search for her, I'd been stopped by many whom wished their bests towards my day. Mother had then like the angel she was saved me from the growing group. Only to bring us towards my father who was ready to make a speech.

"Good evening everyone, I'm so glad all of you where able to come to such an important day. We welcome you into our home and hope you will join us in celebrating our wonderful Edward on his 14th birthday. Here is to many many more successful years, to Edward" 

Father had done similar speeches for each of my birthdays thus far. I had learned to smile and shake hands with him as everyone watch us. I do love my father, but he was always so distant that these speeches just seemed to make such celebration seem more for show.

"To Edward" everyone cheered with raised glasses. I then stayed with my family for the rest of the hour as guests came to congratulate me and my family. I had managed to slip away and find James my best mate.

"Well if it isn't the birthday boy."

I rolled my eyes at his antics. I'd been friends with the Brown twins for as long as I could remember. Father was very pleased as it gave him an in with them. Mother on the other hand was a lot more happy that I had found such good friends.

"Where is Pen?"

"With her new best friend"

James had pointed to the blonde who stood laughing with none other than Kathleen Thomas. Great. Just great now she is making friends with my friends. This girl was really starting to get on my nerves at this point.

"You know she is actually really lovely, I think you both would get along very well"

"I doubt that"

"I don't gas, Mason. She is great. Pen hopes she can join our little group" (gas = joke)

James and I had soon dropped the thought of the girls and joined the other boys, and had gotten to discussing classes at school. And of course about which of them had taken a place on a girls dance card, courtesy of their mothers.

It was well into the night and things had gone much better since my escape to the balcony. That was until we all turned to watch at the disruptions happening at the dance floor.

"Come, come with me. Nancy, Beth you too"
Kathleen had grabbed the three girls.

"Dance with me, quickly come" she called with a bright smile on her face.

None of those girls had ever danced without a male escort at any of the events we all went to. Yet here they were being dragged by this brunette who seemed to glow under such free careless behaviour. All four of them swayed and danced to the rhythm of an up beat melody. They danced together weaving in and out of a circle then separating into twos.

Twirling around as if they were the only ones on the dance floor, as if they didn't have standards to follow all because one girl asked them to dance with her. Soon they had been dancing on their own, allowing others to join in and then coming back together.

To my surprise she had spun around in a few circles laughing away before she spotted her mother and mine. She then grabbed both their hands bring them to the centre and danced together with them. I felt a warmed grow in my chest. Mother had only ever danced like that with me. She would grab my hand and dance after our piano lessons.

I watched in awe as mom danced with the two British ladies. I hadn't realised I was smiling until, James nudged my shoulder.

"See, isn't she something"

I had come to the realisation that perhaps I was being a heel and she wasn't who I thought she was. But that still didn't change the fact that I wasn't so fond of her. But I knew that it my none fondness would break as she had done something wonderful. She had got my mother to laugh and dance. Something I loved seeing.

After the song most had settled down and a slower one start to play. I wanted to keep that smile on my mothers face so I kept her on the dance floor.

"My darling Edward, how does it feel to be another year older?"

"The same as it did to feel a year younger."

"Good, I don't think I could handle you growing up too fast."

We moved around to the rhythm of the song, following my lead mother danced with a bright smile full of warmth. I had snuck a glance around at the others doing the same and found Kathleen dancing with her father. Pen with her father and James with their mother. It had turned out to be a lovely evening.

Perhaps things would be different this year. I spun mother around as she laughed and I joined her. She was always my favourite person. She has this kind nature to her that could be felt by anyone. I admired that characteristic. Father on the other hand was a bit more strict, a rule follower. I had always wondered how they worked so well together despite the clear differences.

Once the dance was over everyone clapped for the band and continued with either their conversations or dancing. I'd found James and Pen with their parents. We spent the rest of the time together. Pen would disappear now and again to find Kathleen.

The start of the party was very much the same as it had always been. That was until the English family came. Many people had their eyes locked on them. Natural I'd joined in on their curiosity. But otherwise it was just like every other party we'd have. Then things changed and I had found myself actually enjoying it more then I usually did. Perhaps it came with the new maturity that a 14 year old would have. Whatever it was I was grateful for it.

Father and I had an excellent conversation with his coworkers. He seemed very pleased by this. Neither he nor I had seen it coming and I think that he may have actually listened and understood that I knew quite a good deal of knowledge. I hoped that this may be a more accruing experience. Nevertheless I knew it wouldn't be as much as I had hoped for.

Soon the evening came to an end. A well deserved end, I was ready to fall asleep on my bed and not get up still the sun was fully shining. Once we had thanked our final guest a farewell, mother had walked me to my room ready for rest. Father stayed downstairs to have a final drink then joining her.

"The Thomas' were very generous with this" she expressed as she inspected the cuff links.

"Hmm, they were" I yawned as we reached my door.

"Goodnight my sweet birthday boy, I love you."

Mom placed a kiss upon my head and gave me one final hug goodnight. Before she headed in the direction of the master bedroom.

"I love you too."

I fell asleep quickly, only to start dreaming of a dancing girl smiling at the world.

⊙ ⊙ 𝓢𝖑𝕬 ⊙ ⊙

The first of hopefully many Edward's Pov. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a bit shorter then usual but that's purely because the last one was a bit longer.

Love S
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