white Cadillac

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Flackback  October 11, 1996 Tupac Shakur POV do tell me u didn't see the car ahhh nawl man only o know is am not saying without my lawyer present  well witesss says it was White  car pulled up by your car  n started shooting  like he said all remember is  gunfire  all he remembers is looking at the burial of gun before  why u question him because Thier was a fight at the MGM  casino people saw him there  what kinda car they said it was my lawyer ask a White Cadillac I did see anything but that gun   I knew I probably was going to back since am out on bail  all am trying to do is to heal up  now the cops bugging me  hey Lisa u doing okay yeah  just stressed I understand  hey Frank what's just checking on u man  what they saying about a white Cadillac Frank  can get private please I'll be outside  remember Tupac u have count date coming up  don't know tell u talk to the cops I had to  I feel  was right anyway I saw the car  didn't hear for me  I didn't think who it was would shoot me  there were alot people around pac  it happened so fast  we didn't get the chance to react fast enough I wasn't supposed to tell u this  it's cool  I don't want u to lose your job or anything like that  so White car huh that's what I heard   am trying to survive man.

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