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March 22, 2003  Lisa POV hey yeah am fine it's been  almost 9 mouths since  my accident happened  am still getting better it's work in progress  I woke up a few weeks ago I was  happy to be alive  I was in pain wen I did wake up how long I was out Lisa u were  out for now mouths wait a minute what yes my hand hurts well that going to happen  u 🧠 u were out alot bleeding in there  he means I think it's going to take awhile  don't rush it okay baby  take as much time u need after this going to  have alot physical therapy after this  pain killers it's going to be hard  trust  me I would know PAC says that's different pac I know baby I okay u get this okay come on I can't u get this okay we do everything one at time okay I barely could lift up folk  um she doesn't eat me she doesn't no anything healthy to heat I'll check okay u okay I had nightmares for weeks after it happened  it was a bit scared me it really was  it's okay I would just here noise even wen  a see car come I  have PTSD about it  as much I didn't want to take medicine of u don't baby  it going to cause more pain it really is  it's going to work out hey Dr SEBI am glad u here  how u feeling better no am not  am happy that u doing here.

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