first interview

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Flackback April 4,1992 Lisa POV hey how u doing am  t  boz am l Left am chill ohh the tic tip  well t boz   stands for my   my name    tiennon my name is Left eye because the eye is right  am. Chill  because am get the mucho sauce on me n y boz we in group another group  the third member didn't work out that's  how we met pebbles that's how we met chill she was dancer for  duaan at the time  so elaborate on that I met the girls we been tight every since  we all different  we can't say we good slo act I don't see how pac do it well I guess am just myself just be yourself people like  that  why dress like a boy because we what to stand out  fool   this is our first interview  remember what I told u girls alright  go out there u guys ready yeah let's do this  it seems like last year I was sleeping on staying at t house now look at me  Lisa come alright baby I'll call u later alright  this our first interview  I want to get it right  I was neavous to wen I did my first interview to but  am use to  it . Ever since  our first album came  out we been blowing up since then u always watch the videos u never thought u be the person in the front we got there we like this outta video  people like we promoted sex no we are not .

Tupac & Left Eye Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora