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Flackback December 1,1994 Tupac POV here we go  Mr Shakur u understand that u seriously of this  yes I do  u know your honor  this whole time u haven't been looking at me this time  awhole time  am not on your hands am not in your heads am in gods  I  sentence to the Clinton correctional dismissed am sorry it's what is I guess alright be safe it's cool  I was sentence  to 1 to 4 years in prison this went on awhole yeah I did speak up for myself  how u doing Tupac  it so much  it has me drain at the end of the day so  the truth was there wasn't so semen found no Force in the anal none of that  there no truth that I ever sodomize her even though put that all on the paper  this no crime for be wit other girl I wanna be  wit. It's time for that girl to turn that into rape Change  my whole I been practice my whole life to be responsible for I do I don't know how for what any black man did yes am going to say am thug cause I came from the gutter n am still here am saying am thug rape n things am business u will find at my place of business  the truth would never get out  having people's believe I was rapist I know that's not u yeah we know for awhile now am not I never did anything that claim I did now I can't even mention her name .

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