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Flackback stepmber 4,1997 Lisa POV  stay still don't move I don't want to get u  poke now do u  since I wasn't doing TLC  right now  hey girl look at u  looking real pretty  we were performing tonight hey am happy to be here nice to have u hear about tonight everyone really  wanna see everyone to be honest  thank u  we all watch everyone dang everybody in here how pac doing fine the last time I talk to him  yeah hate where he is right now yeah me to  what's up y'all no thanks  odb man leave her alone  another one ladies must be Angie  on the mic butter look good girl yeah I like it u know I had look stylish looking fly as hell  never the one packing the gun  got some raw chicks for that  y'all don't drop me now  I was wondering about PAC alot but I had to focus on this performance I had going on I was going on after Kim  no matter PAC beef wit Kim that's his beef why u doing something wit her PAC just let it go already  biggie dead now u should have never involved another people in your beef we watched everyone from  Mariah Carey Wu-Tang clan yo that was the shit girl right what's what am talking about we killed that shit  yes we did girl I know u miss him girl yeah am cool  I can't wait till I see back in the studio I don't know about that mabey thought

Tupac & Left Eye Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora