Chapter 47: One new bed!

Start from the beginning

Stella: oday mama!

*go to the toy section*

Madeline: okay Stella

Stella: *sees the toy aisle* *gasps* wooowww


Madeline: so exciting!

Caroline: you see something you like?

Stella: *grabs a Mickey mouse*

Stella: heh go wet!

Madeline: aww you picked Rhett's first! That's so sweet! Rhett already has a Mickey remember. Can you pick something different for him?

Stella: oday mama

Stella: ummmmmmmm


Caroline: it's a hard decision!

Caroline: ooh Stella how about this light up music toy.

Stella: ooh ya nahnee!

Caroline: okay so this for Rhett

Stella: dat fuh wet!

Madeline: good choice Stella! I think he's gonna love that!

Madeline: what does Stella want?

Stella: ummm Seya like dis! * Minnie Mouse dancing toy*

Madeline: Minnie mouse dancer! Oh my goodness! That's so awesome! Okay you sure that's what you want?

Stella: *gives the toy a hug and kiss*

Madeline: aww so sweet! Okay let's go pay for it!

*go check out and go home*

Stella: hep open Id mama

Madeline: okay baby. Let mama go put Rhett in his bouncer *puts Rhett in bouncer toy*

Madeline: okay come bring it to me Stella

Stella: heya go mama!

Madeline: thank you!

Madeline: *opens toy for Stella and puts batteries in it*

Madeline: okay let's see it Stella!

Stella: Minnie mow!!! *grabs toy and puts it on the floor*

Madeline: okay you press the button on her hand and she dances for you!

Stella: oh! *goes press the button*

*Minnie toy dances*

Stella: *laughs* Minnie mow so siyee!

Madeline: she's so silly!

*few hours later*

Tara: hey guys!!

Madeline: come on in!

Stella: ah tee wash Minnie mow dass!

Tara: Minnie Mouse dances! Wow!

Stella: wash *pressed the button*

*minnie toy dances*

*stella excited laughs*

Tara: *laughs* that is so cool Stella!

Polly: hey!

Stella: yay yay cuh see Minnie mow dass!

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