Chapter 184: Awakened To Hell

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Back in the mansion gardens, Aster, Fleur and Demitris wake from what seems like to all of them to be their worst nightmare. They look around in awe and disbelief, completely shocked from what they saw. They walk towards each other, and when they meet, Fleur grabs Aster in a bear hug and cries for joy. Demitris looks on in confusion at the reunion, not knowing whether or not they should join them. Before long, Fleur breaks apart from Aster, "Aster? Are you okay?". The boy sighs, "I don't think I ever will be...", he lamented.

Demitris's brow furrowed slightly and he took a step forward, "Aster...", he began, but was interrupted by Fleur, "No! No, Demitris! This isn't the time to talk about that!". She took Aster's remaining arm and held it tightly, causing the young soldier to blush furiously, as he turned to look at the ground. After several moments of silence, Demitris spoke again, "...Alright then, I'm ready for whatever you're planning", he said, finally breaking the tension between he and the one armed boy, but Fleur was far from being convinced.

"Why can't we just endure this just the two of us, Aster? Do you not know what that man, or daresay creature, did to you?" she exclaimed softly, still holding onto the lad's arm as if afraid to let go of anything that might happen to him. "I know", Aster sighed, "That's why we need to put this aside in order to fight Vox. Even if forgiveness is impossible, we have a common goal Don't we?", he smiled softly at her. Despite Aster's kind words, Fleur's fist remained clenched with hatred. "I thought you knew better...", she uttered in dismay.

Demitris stepped forwards, "Aster, I know you've been in bad places before, but I never wanted to bring you closer to those horrible times, to bring you further down the path of destruction. While I was unconscious, I saw the consequences of what could happen...", he began, "Everyone is powerless and doomed to be cursed, I don't even think that fighting Vox would alleviate that pain. In a way, I think I believe Fleur on this one, I'm a monster and I shouldn't embrace anyone else's company but my own. I'm an incubus, I'd die within a few months anyway, at least I'd be with Rou...".

"Demitris, don't think like that!", yelled Aster, trying to reach out to him but Fleur stopped him, "Stop!", she ordered. "Listen to Demitris, Aster. He's speaking the truth. You can't deny it anymore...", she pleaded, gently cupping Aster's face, wiping away tears which he hadn't realised he was shedding. "I don't belong here, it's the simple truth...", stated Demitris as he flew up to the sky, his inky tears falling atop Aster and Fleur's heads. "There's no stopping him...", muttered Aster, burying himself in Fleur's arms. Before the boy had a chance to protest, the incubus who was once his best friend, had flown into the unknown.

"Everything's going to be okay Aster...", Fleur expressed, looking deep into Aster's eyes. "I was going to tell him I saw Rou in my vision, he was lonely, desolate, like there was some unfinished business...", the sullen boy informed the elf girl. Fleur was ignorant, the only value she saw was in the oncoming battle, "This is exactly why we need to fight Vox without any distractions, even Demitris understands how useless he's making people feel. With him gone, the morally superior people will be on top...".

Then, out of nowhere, a shock wave came from the air. Aster jumped back slightly, but quickly recovered once more with fear gripping his soul. "Demitris? Please tell me that isn't you!", he called out. Fleur pulled him in once more, "No, it's not Demitris, look...", the young elf assured him, pointing to the entrance. Out of the door came the rest of the rebels, led by Viper. At first glance, it seemed like a simple regrouping, but on further inspection, Aster knew they were evacuating the mansion.

He looked among the group and saw Shiva, Sulena and Craaq, all very tense. Craaq in particular was on the verge of crying, Aster saw the worry in his eyes, yet he, nor the rest of the group spoke a word. After a moment, he broke the silence. "What's going on?", he asked Viper. "It's a very complicated situation, Aster. A lot has happened since the last time we surveyed the mansion.", Viper replied calmly. "Is Sir Edward going to be okay?", pondered Fleur, practically hounding the witch for information. Sulena stepped in, "We don't know, but I'm sure it won't be long before he finds out of the commotion, if he hasn't already.".

"I really hope he's okay...", Aster whispered quietly. "You've...never shown concern for him before...", Fleur remarked, highly panicked, but eternally grateful. "All we know is that the mansion isn't safe anymore, we need to congregate here, as much as we want to explore...", explained Shiva. Craaq shook his head in sadness, "But what about the others?". Aster and Fleur welcomed the scared anthro bunny into their hug as Aster let him confide in them, "Though I don't say this about many things, we should just hope for the best.".

The wind picked up, and everyone huddled together, hoping and praying that things were going to be okay despite all that's gone wrong. Aster thought of the others, Demitris, Catoria, Edward, as well as the many sleeping soldiers. Hundreds of flowers ripped from their flower beds, as the wind raged on over the next minute. Then, stillness. Nothing but a knock could be heard throughout the entire estate, the sound of mysterious bells all around, they refused to be silent, growing louder and louder in an almost deafening symphony. The sound of footsteps walking could be heard pacing upstairs. Suddenly, the windows burst wide open, and within the walls, none other than, the infamous Vox.

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