Chapter 180: Unsure Of Forgiving

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A dreary hell began to grace the minds of all three fighters as Fleur rushed over to Aster and started inspecting his wounds, "What happened!? Are you alright?!" She asked, her eyes beginning to water as tears made their way down her face. Aster managed to chuckle at her reaction, "I'm fine...", he faintly stuttered as he wiped away her flowing river of tears with his free hand. "Don't ever do anything like that again", muttered Fleur in concern. Demitris curled back into a ball, unresponsive, he couldn't face what he did, not bearing to watch the distressed pair adjacent from him.

Aster smiled warmly at Fleur, his eyes still fixated on her pretty face. "Of course not", he replied, gently holding her hand into his. "Fleur, let me fight again...", he uttered, carelessly disregarding his injury. "No, please don't hurt yourself even more, I couldn't stand for it! I care for you Aster, please understand that...", she cried. "Fleur, stay calm, I can do this...", Aster insisted. However, Fleur didn't calm down, "I'm sorry, but I have to continue this alone. Yes, you were careless and you want to make up for it, but you're not the one at fault anyway...". She stared down the incubus with the sharpest of daggers.

Fleur fiercely glared at Demitris as she rose from Aster's side. The creature's gaze remained fixed on the ground in silence as Fleur walked straight over to him, her voice dripping with fury. "Why must you reject your humanity and hurt Aster, your best friend?!", asked the elf. Demitris kept his head bowed low to avoid facing the woman. "You were a comrade, but grief turned you into a fiend, a monster that destroys people who are meant to be allies!".

Demitris finally spoke, his voice weak and quivering with the weight of his guilt. "A monster, that's what I am, just a creature that cause nothing but destruction! What's Rou but a temporary stop to my terror?!". Aster felt himself losing his grip on reality. This conversation was short, but he already felt it had already gone on for far too long, and he wanted nothing more than to leave this place with Fleur as soon as possible, before they were discovered and killed by Vox. Unfortunately for him, the scorn between the woman he loves and his best friend was so deep, he couldn't repair it.

He could only look on in horror as Fleur unleashed her wrath upon Demitris, who refused to say anything else about his grief, and instead focused on destroying the young woman. Demitris wasn't going easy on Fleur, his hand covered in black dust, his eyes filled with rage as he swung the weapon in violent circles, causing destruction everywhere. A few blows hit Fleur, but the elf was undeterred. "Stop this!", demanded Aster to the air, "Stop it!". Fleur looked back at Aster with the same fury she gave Demitris, "You want me to stop! Well I won't!!" she roared out, raising her voice. The younger man was powerless to stop them, and it was driving him insane.

The elf and incubus clashed, sword against destruction, Demitris's power overpowering the elf's weak defence, until suddenly the elf found a new strength, throwing an elbow back into Demitris's chest. At that moment, Aster was overcome by despair, a sense of hopelessness washing over him, "I lost...". The word escaped Aster's mouth before he could stop it. His face contorted in agony as he tried to ignore what his friend was suffering. Fleur was oblivious to his thoughts, her attention only dedicated to stopping Demitris from hurting Aster.

With a sudden, powerful swing of her blade, Fleur cut Demitris deeply, he gripped his wound and tried to fly away, all while trying to decay his opponent. Aster watched in horror as Fleur raised her weapon above Demitris's damaged body once more, "Fleur! Don't!", shouted Aster desperately, trying to reach her. But before Fleur could raise her weapon above the tainted figure of the man he had grown close to, Aster leapt forward, grasping her wrist with his single arm. Fleur screamed in surprise, the moment her sword hit the floor, Aster pulled her close and pressed her head to his chest, covering her eyes with his hand.

At first she struggled against his grip, but then she suddenly calmed down. The young man held onto Fleur for dear life, never letting go despite the screams from the woman he loved. His grip around her tightened until her struggles became weaker, until they disappeared completely. "Aster!" exclaimed Fleur in distress. Aster tried to gaze into her eyes, but, strangely, he couldn't see anything through his blurry vision, and he slowly released her from his grip. Slowly, his surroundings came into view. Fleur, Demitris, and himself, surrounded in pure white.

"Such a pity..."

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