Chapter 179: Losing Control Again

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The light brightened upon the mansion's exterior, screeches of the corrupted creature echoed through the skies as Demitris dove towards Aster and Fleur. "So this is how it ends. Just as Rou used to be before you, the trust in both of you is obliterated through the need to destroy!", roared the impure demon, his wings shaking with the lingering pain throbbing throughout his body. Aster drew his sword, his head tightening with the vast amount that was ruined upon his disappearance. In a split second, he struck the beast.

As both males clashed, Fleur's thoughts were hanging on by a thread. As the intruder she had grown to care about fought a powerful foe, their souls were intertwined. Her heart beat with love and adrenaline at the same time, and her sword moved before her body could act. Instinctively, she threw herself at Demitris, her weapon in hand, the incubus could barely react to her sudden arrival, and he took the full brunt of her slash. Aster couldn't even execute his own moves as his companion's sneak attack overwhelmed his fargone comrade.

"Aster, use your claymore!", declared the Fleur, as she pierced Demitris's wing. The mourning soldier cried out in agony. "You call this non lethal?! This shit is killing me!", he raged. "I know! But this is the only way to get through to you!", Aster announced. The black haired boy transformed his short sword into a claymore almost the size of him. "Demitris, I know you're hurting, but just listen, you can't keep a dead man in your heart forever!".

Upon hearing this, Demitris was utterly offended, "Never!", he yelled as he forced himself to soar towards Aster, all while dodging multiple slashes from Fleur. Aster took a calming breath, blocking his body with the weapon, Demitris couldn't stop himself, his fingers curled with the full force of destruction. Ephemeral luck struck Aster, dodging the piercing blow just in time, but his weapon was not so fortunate, turning to jet black dust in a millisecond. Fleur couldn't hold in her scalding vexation. "Look Demitris, you've taken out his weapon, you've destroyed a wall of the mansion, are you satisfied?''.

"You both have helped me get to this point, but left me in a sinking ship of disarray at the last moment, why would I be satisfied?", he stated coldly. He turned his head, "As for you Fleur, I would like to ask you a question. Is one rebellion worth the destruction of the syndicate? Is it worth the ending of vital lives? Lives that aren't just integral to the leadership, but also the morale, the beating heart of this organisation. If you think that after what happened to Rou that I would forgive you for leaving us in this prison slowly becoming hell, think again!".

Demitris flailed his arms in rage. It was the most surreal situation of his life, an agonising heartache and death, and the agonising suspicion of neglect from two of his closest friends. It took Aster a second to comprehend Demitris's words, he glanced down at the remnants of his weapon , his only chances against the incubus transformed to a clouded black dust, but Aster had an idea. With no explanation, he walked towards Demitris, with no fear.

"Aster, what are you doing?! He'll kill you!", warned Fleur. Aster forced a smile and looked back at her, choking on his words, "Trust me...". Fleur was baffled, but before she could call out, Aster was toe to toe with Demitris. "Demitris, listen to me. I am weaponless, I'm powerless to hurt you, but you can hurt me. You're right to feel betrayed, I should've been there for you, but I was reckless, selfish. If you had any fibre of the right mind, you'd attack me here and now!".

Demitris stared down at Aster, his self destructive, almost masochistic request intriguing him, even within his jumbled mess of a mental state. He was falling for this charade, even if it was one sided. "You can't be serious", he breathed out, showing all signs of nerves. Aster barely moved, only giving a vague response, "What do you think, Demitris?". Demitris's eyes seemed distant and empty, he stared off in a solitary reverie. "What do I think, Aster?".

Aster took a deep breath, fighting to stop his rising fear, "I think that you have been contemplating your purpose, because I can tell from your expression that you are looking for a reason to live, a reason to wake up in the morning, a reason to put on clothes, and to justify your crimes.". He put on a smile again. "But I know exactly what you're searching for". Demitris stopped. "Go ahead, tell me". Aster took another deep breath, "You're looking for relief, Demitris.".

Demitris stared at Aster for a second, eyes unable to tear from him. Suddenly, without warning, Demitris grabbed Aster's arm, "Relief, eh". The man's eyes glowed blindly, blaring in both Aster and Fleur's eyes. "Aster, get away from there!", the elf raised her sword to the incubus, she knew what he was capable of and was certain Aster did too, she couldn't let him get hurt.However, the firm snap of the girl's voice provoked Demitris. "This is a ploy! Rou always looked for relief, his heart yearned for some sign of feeling other than revenge, hate and shame, but it was too late before he realised, he had given in...he was broken...he was...".

Demitris's eyes filled up with jet black tears, emotions running wild. It happened in a split second, and no one could've predicted it. As the man's massive body shook with the rushing feelings of excruciating pain. The destruction ran through his being, and as his friend looked on during the final millisecond of the ordeal, it had reached him too. Aster's left side ached with the surges of Demitris's overwhelming power, "LET GO! LET GO!", he finally screamed, but by the time he reacted, his arm had faded away.

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