Chapter 172: Lost And Silent

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TW: Mention of suicide

Meanwhile, Demitris frantically searched for Rou once again. The crushing burden of being one step behind shackling him the whole way through the sprawling halls. They said certain hearts were too risky to chase, but Demitris knew that was far from true. The fact was, Rou needed him, he just struggled to express it. The truth was, the world and its hardships mould the frozen heart, and, no one could understand it, it would be impossible for them to comprehend. Even so, Demitris walked the path to thaw it, under the miniscule chances he had.

"ROU!" shouted Demitris, his voice entered every nook and cranny within a hundred metre radius. His eyes blinked, holding back tears as he looked in every direction. What seemed like an hour of constant shuddering later, and there was still. there was no sign of the young man, not even his ice was to be seen. He searched higher and higher, but found nothing. "Rou? Where are you?", Demitris was losing hope he'd ever see his reason for living again, until finally, someone spoke out.

"Demitris, is that you? You look horrendous...", they said. Demitris peered to see Edward standing aside from him. The tall man kneeled down, his expression of pity apparent. Demitris remained shocked that he even noticed another person, reaching out in hopelessness. "B-boss! Boss!", he could barely speak with the stress, but despite his constant stutters, Edward knew this man was crying for his assistance.

Edward guided him to the circular hallway, where he spotted Rou last. It seemed as though there was no colour in their surroundings, except for the dull, grey-white of a small, lone ice wall with the light bouncing off it. "He's not here Demitris!", Edward deduced, coming to his subordinate's side, but in silence, Demitris glanced at the frozen husk ahead of him, feeling it for any signs that Rou's spirits were intact. He felt varying emotions, sometimes confused, sometimes saddened, but more than ever he was driven to carry on searching.

Demitris looked at the boss, who just wanted to comfort him. "If he wants to come back, he will himself, but Rou's always been the type to need an extra push in the right direction. Come on, I'm sure he won't be much further. ", the man announced. Demitris's hands gripped on the ice, not letting go, "W-what is this is all that's left of him?! Could he have-", he entered a state of panic, not even bothering to finish the sentence. Edward knew what he was going to say; he hadn't thought of this possibility, but the more he thought of it, the more possible it seemed.

Taking Demitris by the shoulder, the boss expressed his feelings, "Oh... Demitris, you are still relatively new here, and usually I'd talk of how death is very prevelant in crime syndicates and everything like that, but I too am having trouble accepting the worst.". The vampire walked ahead as he continued, "Rou, he's irreplaceable, and I won't accept that he's gone, even if it's becoming more inevitable by the second...". He stepped back, taking an ample breath as truth and hope battled it out in both mens' minds.

Edward was right. Demitris realised, staring into the iceberg. It had no soul, just a lackless call for help. As Demitris was dragged from the hallway, he couldn't help but stare back at it. It was a dream waiting to be realised. For some reason, his conscience told him to help, but just as soon as he thought of this, his heart made up his mind. Demitris knew he had to save Rou. He took the lead, rushing with Edward in towe. They pass by smaller ice structures while traversing the mansion, this must be the right way.

Demitris felt far too eager as he ran through the corridors in search of the man who guided his heart since he joined the syndicate. Edward saw his fighting resolve and will power, it was as if this was his purpose, even if it seemed far from his intended job. Eventually, they stumbled upon a room adjacent to the mansion gardens. However, it had become a maze of ice, surrounding the furniture, using it to shape Rou's clear attempt to be alone in his final moments. "We won't let you die, Rou!", yelled Demitris, his words bouncing off the frozen barriers.

Edward took him by the shoulder to steady himself, but in response, Demitris ran off into the maze, "You listen to me, you integral piece of my happiness...this will be no problem if you stop running!", he called out. All he received in return was silence. The boss came after Demitris, he was now increasingly sure they wouldn't be able to save Rou, but he too did not want another of his subordinates, his family to be lost in such a desperate and painful manner.

Strategically, Demitris and Edward split up for ground coverage. They explored every hidden path, every red herring the tortured man left, only communicating through the haunting echoes the structure allowed. Even so, no sign of Rou, not a breath, not a section of heavy bombardment, nothing.
Demitris's heart sank, he now realised, without Rou to guide him, what was he to do? Edward began to wander through the maze, finding a transparent layer of ice. It was then he saw a silhouette.

"Are we too late?"

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